Kitchen Tools and Utensils Familiarity using Interactive Multimedia as an Intervention

Nike Pusing Agustin -
International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research
Abstract:Aside from diverse learning challenges, learners may also have different skills and learning preferences. Some learners learn better visually, while others must rely on their tactile or actual experience using interactive multimedia in educating learners to become comfortable in teaching kitchen tools and utensils familiarization. This study used a non-experimental research method known as the quantitative-descriptive correlation method. It uses statistical analysis to find out the correlation between two variables. The impacts of unrelated variables under examination are not examined in correlational research. The purpose of the study is to determine whether using interactive multimedia in Mabayuan Senior High School's class of 42 students in Grade 11 Home Economics and Cookery is successful. In using Interactive Multimedia Intervention, the age group of 15-17 was interested in the class discussion. The post-mean tests were higher than the pretest mean which meant that performance of the learners improved after use of the Interactive Multimedia Intervention The null hypothesis was thus rejected, the 4 learners with mediocre performance will undergo further intervention and the proponent will adopt various teaching methods to their performance in Cookery. According to Christina & Ganing (2021) cited the study of (Putri & Muhtadi, 2018), wherein multimedia learning is proven to increased efficacy in the achievement of students' cognitive learning outcomes.
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