Abstract:Pedagogical activity of A. S. Makarenko absorbed the best achievements of classical and new pedagogy. His legacy is the achievement of all progressive humanity, which strives for humane education. He solved complex pedagogical problems that concern us even now. That is why we confidently say "A.S. Makarenko is our contemporary", "With A.S. Makarenko - in the 21st century." His developments in pedagogy have not lost their significance even today.
The first strategic line of his worldview is faith in pedagogy, its anticipatory function in the development of a child, teenager, and young man. He constantly emphasized that real pedagogy is fed by life itself. Speaking about the results of his work, he says: "... not I create it and not a handful of teachers, the whole atmosphere of life creates this "miracle". Educates every square of the earth. The unity of education and life is a red thread running through all the work of the teacher. The great importance of the works of A.S. Makarenko in the development of educational goals. For each era and for each generation, A. S. Makarenko believed, the goal of education should be determined dialectically, that is, it should be found in the demands of society at the present time. A. S. Makarenko defined the goals of education with extreme precision, fulfilled the task of forming a man-fighter, patriot, worker, collectivist with a high sense of social responsibility and discipline.
The theory of the pedagogical team, developed and put into practice by A.S. Makarenko, still helps to update educational work in educational institutions today. The model of the student body, created by A.S. Makarenko, is unsurpassed. This is a team that arises on the basis of joint activities and common goals, a clear democracy of children's lives. "The team of teachers and the team of children," wrote Makarenko, "are not two teams, but one team, and above all, the pedagogical team." High dynamism of collective life, close ties between its members, open, democratic discussion of all issues at general meetings and other bodies student self-government gradually become a guarantee of healthy public opinion; periodic replacement of the asset, equal requirements for everyone and a mandatory report on the work before the team become a barrier for swagger, inquisitiveness, and bureaucracy.
It is clear that the specific forms of self-government organization that existed in the colony named after M. Gorky, in the commune named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky, not all and not always can be transferred to the practice of the modern school. But the spirit of discussion, collective decision-making and conscious discipline, the atmosphere that formed the feeling of a master in his team and country — all this should be carefully studied by our school, children's organizations in new conditions. According to Makarenko, "discipline is first of all not a means of education, but a result, and only then it becomes a means." Discipline is formed by respect for the team, enthusiasm for learning, and work. А.Makarenka's contribution to the development of the technique of vihovanni mi bachimo and in the fact that he did not just show that the work of the vihovatel is to blame, ale and rozkriv, as a consequence of work: healthy, calm, normal, sensible and cheerful life." /T. VII, p.157/.
/. A. Makarenka's contribution to today's pedagogical science cannot be overestimated, this system has gone through the fire of a life experiment. Let those ideas of Anton Semyonovich spin and blossom in the whole world. Makarenko gave a lot of respect to the nutrition of the physical and aesthetic development of children and young people. On the first mission, the task is to let a healthy generation out. “We don’t need dead virobniki and alarm clocks, neurasthenics are less likely to call our right,” wrote Anton Semenovich / vol. I, p.190/.