The Survey of Employers' Job Satisfaction in Georgian Companies

Abstract:The article - "The survey of employers' job satisfaction in Georgian companies" - discusses the results of the research that the authors of the article carried out in Georgian companies. 1509 employees from both private and public sector businesses were interviewed with a ratio of 43.7/55.3. The employees were given 54 questions, of which 12 questions were related to issues related to their job satisfaction, therefore, only these questions and their answers are discussed in this article. The research showed that 49,8% employees in Georgian companies are completely satisfied with their work, and 42.8% are partially satisfied with their work, i.e. 92.6% in total. At such time, in Japan it is 57%, and in the USA - 83%. In order to clarify this paradox, the authors divided the factors causing job satisfaction of employees in Georgian companies into two groups and discussed them according to these groups: 1. Employee satisfaction is caused by the amount of remuneration (salary) and other material incentives, i.e. external factors. 2. Job satisfaction of employees is caused by doing interesting, favorite work, appreciation from superiors and colleagues, involvement in important company decisions, perspective of career advancement, etc. i. e. internal factors. Research has shown that employees of Georgian companies do not like the company's salary policy. Only 21.7% are completely satisfied with it. Based on the above, the authors of the article rule out the positive influence of material incentives, i.e., external motivational incentives, on the rate of employee satisfaction, and review 10 internal motivators, namely: employees doing pleasant work, taking into account employees' suggestions when making important managerial decisions, taking care of improving the qualifications of employees, the importance of the work entrusted to employees Importance for the company, prospects for career advancement, fairness of delegation of functions, timely and complete information on expected corporate changes. From this list, the influence of 8 factors in the article is evaluated positively, and 2, negatively. Since 8 factors out of 12 factors were found to have a positive influence, and 4 - a negative influence, their strong influence on the job satisfaction of the employees was determined. The article points out the many inconsistencies found in the survey results that cast doubt on the sincerity of the employees' responses. According to the authors of the article, this may have caused such a high level of job satisfaction of the employees involved in the study - 92.6%, which is not equal even in highly developed countries, and they suggest a more in-depth study of the mentioned problem.
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