On the automorphism groups of algebraic bounded domains

Dmitri Zaitsev
DOI: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.alg-geom/9410025
Abstract:Let $D$ be a bounded domain in $C^n$. By the theorem of H.~Cartan, the group $Aut(D)$ of all biholomorphic automorphisms of $D$ has a unique structure of a real Lie group such that the action $Aut(D)\times D\to D$ is real analytic. This structure is defined by the embedding $C_v\colon Aut(D)\hookrightarrow D\times Gl_n(C)$, $f\mapsto (f(v), f_{*v})$, where $v\in D$ is arbitrary. Here we restrict our attention to the class of domains $D$ defined by finitely many polynomial inequalities. The appropriate category for studying automorphism of such domains is the Nash category. Therefore we consider the subgroup $Aut_a(D)\subset Aut(D)$ of all algebraic biholomorphic automorphisms which in many cases coincides with $Aut(D)$. Assume that $n>1$ and $D$ has a boundary point where the Levi form is non-degenerate. Our main result is theat the group $Aut_a(D)$ carries a unique structure of an affine Nash group such that the action $Aut_a(D)\times D\to D$ is Nash. This structure is defined by the embedding $C_v\colon Aut_a(D)\hookrightarrow D\times Gl_n(C)$ and is independent of the choice of $v\in D$.
Algebraic Geometry,Complex Variables
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is about the structure and properties of the automorphism groups of algebraically bounded domains. Specifically, the author D. Zaitsev aims to prove that for a semi - algebraic Levi non - degenerate domain \(D\subset\mathbb{C}^n\), its Nash automorphism group \(\text{Aut}_a(D)\) has the following characteristics: 1. \(\text{Aut}_a(D)\) is a (closed) Lie subgroup of \(\text{Aut}(D)\). 2. \(\text{Aut}_a(D)\) has a unique affine Nash group structure such that the action \(\text{Aut}_a(D)\times D\rightarrow D\) is also Nash. 3. For all \(v\in D\), the map \(C_v:\text{Aut}_a(D)\rightarrow D\times \text{GL}(n)\) is a Nash isomorphism onto its image. Furthermore, for more general algebraic domains \(D\), the author also proves that \(\text{Aut}(D)\) itself has a similar structure, that is, it is an affine Nash group and the action \(\text{Aut}(D)\times D\rightarrow D\) is also Nash. To achieve this goal, the author introduces the concepts of Nash functions, Nash manifolds and Nash groups, and uses these concepts to describe the structure of the automorphism groups. At the same time, the author also uses the reflection principle and Webster's method to construct appropriate families of automorphism graphs and proves the local triviality of these graphs. In summary, the main problem of this paper is to explore how to apply the Nash structure in algebraic geometry to the study of the automorphism groups of bounded domains in complex analysis, thereby revealing the intrinsic algebraic properties of these groups.