Translation Techniques of Indonesian Children’s Picture Book: Abbas Ibnu Firnas
Ani Rizkiya,Suci Mawaddah,Cindi Martina Marbun,Fidya Felinda Ilahude,Nariza Ayu Pasha,Iin Inawati
Abstract:Translating a children’s picture book is a challenging process. The focus of translating children's picture books is not only to transfer the meaning into the target language but also to guide the children to quickly understand the meaning of the sentences. Therefore, the translator must apply the appropriate sentence translation technique. This study aimed to explore the translation techniques used in the process of translating a children's picture book entitled "Abbas Ibnu Firnas" and other purposes to find out the translation techniques that are most widely used in translating this book. This research was a qualitative descriptive study with a content analysis design. The findings of this study showed that the translator used the seven translation techniques of Vinay and Darbelnet (1995): Transposition (42,03%), Calque with the lexical type (30,43%), Literal Translation (11,59%), Equivalence (4,35%), Calque with the structural type (5,80%), Adaptation (4,35%) and Modulation (1,45%). The most dominant type of translation procedure from Indonesian to English in the “Abbas Ibnu Firnas” book was the transposition technique. The study suggests further studies to improve translation from other Muslim figures in order to enrich children’s literature on Muslim figures in the field of education.