Dicky Putra Lukito,Amelia Sandra
Jurnal Akuntansi
Abstract:Taxes are the largest source of state revenue, which is IDR 1,786.4 trillion (82.5%) of the total state revenue of IDR 2,165.1 trillion which is used for public education, health, and infrastructure. However, state revenues experienced a deficit due to the unfulfilled realization of tax revenues. Tax is income for the state, but for companies, tax is a burden that must be paid which reduces the net profit generated. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of capital intensity, profitability, and financial distress on Tax Avoidance. This study uses secondary data collection techniques with observations through, non-probability sampling technique with purposive sampling method. and the analytical method used is multiple linear regression analysis method using SPSS 25.0 program. The results of this study indicate that capital intensity has sufficient evidence of a positive effect on Tax Avoidance. profitability does not have enough evidence of a positive effect on Tax Avoidance. and financial distress does not have enough evidence of a positive effect on Tax Avoidance.
Keywords: Tax avoidance, Capital intensity. Profitability, Financial distress
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