Assessment of National Population and Family Planning Agency Employees as Part of the Implementation of Bureaucratic Reform
Hartini Hartini,,Veithzal Rivai Zainal,Azis Hakim,,
International Journal of Social Science and Human Research
Abstract:The formulation of the problem in the research is how to assess the performance of BKKBN employees in implementing bureaucratic reform and the obstacles faced in assessing the performance of BKKBN employees in implementing bureaucratic reform. The aim to be achieved in this research is to determine the employee performance assessment carried out at BKKBN regarding the implementation of bureaucratic reform in achieving the program for structuring the apparatus' HR management system. The research approach used is a qualitative approach with a case study method. In this case, the researcher wants to see employee performance assessments carried out by the BKKBN in the context of implementing bureaucratic reform as outlined in the BKKBN bureaucratic reform roadmap Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, it can be concluded that the results of the discussion and research, namely: 1. In general, the implementation of bureaucratic reform has gone well, starting with the formation of a Bureaucratic Reform Team consisting of 9 Working Groups, a Road Map for Bureaucratic Reform, and an Independent Assessment of the Implementation of Bureaucratic Reform (PMPRB) carried out by the Inspectorate. 2. In general, employee performance assessment has gone well, starting with various employee performance assessment systems, namely the Balance Scorecard method, employee work performance assessment, and employee discipline and work behavior assessment, in which there is the latest performance assessment application with the Multi-Rater Feedback application. 3. Obstacles in assessing employee performance at BKKBN, namely: a. The application of the performance assessment system with the Balance Scorecard and Multi-Rater Feedback system is still not optimal b. There are still leaders who are less objective in providing assessments. c. There are limitations to the performance assessment system used, such as the BSC method which is only synchronous for Echelon IV while it cannot be done at the staff level. d. Appraisers lack the skills needed to carry out Performance Appraisals effectively.
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