Instilling Children's Ocean Literacy Through Comic Media: STEAM to R-SLAMET Learning Design for ECE educators
Hapidin,Erie Siti Syarah,Yuli Pujianti,Winda Gunarti
JPUD - Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini
Abstract:Ocean literacy is currently at the forefront of the development of the notion of marine environmental sustainability. It is critical to compare ocean literacy ideas in curriculum standards. Comics Convey various messages of maritime insight content on integrated, contextual, and meaningful learning. This study aims to design STEAM (to R-SLAMET; Religion, Science, Literacy, Art, Math, Engineer, and Technology) learning that contains ocean literacy messages in a comic media. Through the qualitative research method with study case type, researchers seek to aid early childhood education (ECE) educators in designing R-SLAMET learning through the media to overcome maritime cultural literacy problems. The participants of this study consisted of three educators and 43 children. The findings show that the natural play experience of early childhood can be a source of inspiration to find ocean literacy through R-SLAMET learning activities. Contextual play by children becomes a reference for designing comic-based R-SLAMET learning. Comic media can integrate R-SLAMET learning in improving children's ocean literacy.
Keywords: children ocean literacy, comic media, STEAM to R-SLAMET learning design
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