스타니슬랍스키 시스템의 ‘구현의 시기’와 에쮸드 연행에 의한 극 텍스트 읽기 : ‘서사적 채워 넣기’ 과정을 중심으로
Abstract:The three part of 'the method of reading drama text' concentrates on mental experience. It forms the second 'authentic passion and probable emotion' in role creating of Stanislavski system and progresses systemically by dividing unit, making object as oneself, creation of psychic tone and inner full score of role, knowledge of relationship of object and super object, comprehending and performing super object by penetrative behavior. 'Analysis through behavior' is the kernel of this process. The purpose of analyzing drama text through behavior is to help a performer to feel rapidly 'making role as oneself, making oneself as role'. 'Etude for analysis of drama text' should be carried out in each stage for operation of reason terrain as well as working of mental and physical construction, the real character of player. It means that reading drama text is not merely watching. At the stage of dividing unit and finding creative object, player should begin with dividing text and all the text of role into large part. When he or she does not comprehend instantly the depth and abundance of text's inner material or cannot afford to divide vastly separated part into several little objects, then he or she has to divide text into more detailed part and draw creative object from individual investigation about it. The next step is identifying with metal-physical object. As performer, he or she recognizes the life of role through his or her own experience to find and discern role's similar object by modifying what has been made until then by player as non-performer. At this time, a performer, standing in the middle of given circumstance, relates realistically with it through ordinary emotion and personal experience, and then he or she has to understand the object and desire that role lives for, the emotion that role feels, and the true passion that life of human spirit creates in role. Another step is to create inner full score and psychic tone of role. It is to reunite divided text into the whole from view of role. The thing that should in mind is that this whole text is not entire drama text but 'text of role'. Player must proceed successively from one piece to other piece without forgetting about his or her ultimate purpose within each role and Etude. A long list that continues either in huge and small objects or in scenes and acts should construct 'full score of role's mind', because it shows all the huge and small parts of role. Comprehending and performing super object through penetrative behavior are ensuing. This step is dialectical synthesis for figuration of the one performing text which combines the text divided as 'text of role' into it. Stage behavior, directed by the stream of penetrative behavior, pursues super object. Deliberately constructed full score takes all the spirits, emotions, will, intelligence, which are the strongest driving power in performer's inner life, into creation process. Penetrative behavior directs individual and independent parts of role toward profound, initial and organic connection. Normal life demands order, consistency and gradual progress for development of emotion and mental experience. Likewise, penetrative behavior stimulates desire and action in every moment of performance penetrating whole drama. Passing through these steps, the process of mental experience is constructed by these parts: creating full score of role, founding super object, and performing penetrative behavior actively.