XXIII CPSYS Interdisciplinary Topics in Mining, Geology and Geomatics
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/1295/1/011001
IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science
Abstract:13-15 JUNE 2023 | WROCLAW, POLAND HYBRID EVENT The title of the Conference XXIII Conference of PhD Students and Young Scientists "Interdisciplinary topics in mining, geology and geomatics" The location and the date of the conference hybrid event – online and onsite conference, 13 th to 15 th June, 2023 in Wroclaw, Poland XXIII rd Conference of PhD Students and Young Scientists "Interdisciplinary topics in mining, geology and geomatics" continues a series of events that started in 2000 at Wroclaw University of Science and Technology. Scientific programme of the Conference focuses on four thematic panels: 1. Mining Engineering: sustainable development, digitalisation in mining, problems of securing, protecting and using remnants of old mining works, underground mining, open-pit mining, mineral processing, waste management, mining machinery, mine transport, economics in mining, mining aeronautics, ventilation and air conditioning in mines 2. Earth and Space Sciences: geology, hydrogeology, environmental protection, extraterrestrial resources, groundwater and medicinal waters, engineering and environmental protection, geotourism 3. Geoengineering: environmental protection, applied geotechnics, rock and soil mechanics, geohazards 4. Geoinformation: mining geodesy, GIS, photogrammetry and remote sensing, geodata modeling and analysis. The XXIII Conference of PhD Students and Young Scientists was held as a hybrid event, that is as a traditional onsite conference with the possibility in on-line participation in real-time. The XXIII Conference of PhD Students and Young Scientists took place in 13 th to 15 th June, 2023 in Wroclaw, Poland. Because the conference focused on four thematic panels, four different special opening lectures were delivered by wellknown scientists: - Professor Tim Wright (University of Leeds, England) - Professor Rubén Galindo-Aires (Technical University of Madrid, Spain) - Professor Przemysław B. Kowalczuk (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway) - Dr. Jakub Ciążela (Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland). The Conference was divided into 7 oral sessions (with 29 presentations) and 1 poster session (with 40 posters). The amount of time provided to one presentation was 15 minutes, after presentation there was 5 minutes available for discussion. The poster session was available throughout the event, and the posters were available for online viewing on the Conference's website with the possibility of make discussion and ask questions in real time via zoom meeting application as well. During this year's Conference, Organizing Committee has prepared a unique opportunity to participate in onsite workshop. The aim of the workshop was to familiarize participants with the capabilities of ArcGIS Pro software in utilizing Deep Learning tools. They were learning how to create training samples, train models, and use them for their research. List of Scientific Committee, Organizing Committee Editorial Team are available in this Pdf.