Effect of Educational Program on Pediatric Nurses' Performance regarding to COVID-19

Eman Ali Saad Hekal,Faten Shafik Mahmoud,Madiha Hassan Bayoumi
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21608/jnsbu.2023.308780
Journal of Nursing Science Benha University
Abstract:Background: COVID-19 is the disease caused by a new corona virus called SARS-CoV-2.Nurseshas critical role and responsibility during COVID-19 pandemic. Aim of the study: This study aimedto assess effect of educational program on pediatric nurses' performance regarding to COVID-19.Research Design; A quasi experimental design was utilized in the study. Settings; This study wasconducted at the isolation department and Intensive Care Unit (ICUs) at Benha Specialized PediatricHospital. Subject; A convenient sample included all available nurses (60) who working in thepreviously mentioned settings. Tools of data collection; Tool (I): Structure interviewing questionerto assess nurses' characteristic and knowledge regarding COVID-19. Tool (II): Observationalchecklist to assess nurses' practice regarding COVID-19. Tool (III): Nurses attitude regardingCOVID-19 to assess nurses' attitude regarding toCOVID-19. Results: There were statisticallysignificant differences between the level of knowledge, practices and attitudes of pediatric nurses,their qualifications and years of experience before and after implementing the program. Also, therewas positive correlation between pediatric nurses' knowledge, practice and attitude scores pre andpost implementation of the educational program Conclusion: The educational program was effectivein improving the level of pediatric nurse's performance regarding to COVID-19. Recommendation:Emphasizing on the importance of developing periodical training programs regarding care of childrenwith corona virus for nurses working in intensive care unit and isolation department to improve theirperformance.
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