Somatic embryogenesis for crop improvement

Shahina Kalim,A. Bajpai,R. Chandra,Ramesh Kumar,Madhu Kamle
Abstract:Abstract Somatic embryogenesis for crop improvement Madhu Kamle 1&2 *, Anju Bajpai 1 , Ramesh Chandra 1 , Shahina Kalim 2 and Ramesh Kumar 2 1 Biotechnology Laboratory, Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture, Rehmankhera, Lucknow, India 2 Department of Biochemistry, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi, India Keywords: Somatic embryogenesis, propagation, regeneration, molecular markers Introduction Globalization of agriculture is increasingly calling forimproved efficiency and competitiveness of the existingproduction systems. The improvement of fruit trees throughconventional breeding techniques has been limited due toinherent problems such as long life cycle with extendedjuvenile period, floral morphology, existing hybridizationbarrier, sterility, apomixes and long term inbreedingdepression. Conventional propagation methods such asgrafting, air layering, stooling etc. for improving many fruittrees already exist but extended juvenility has made thesetechniques time consuming and cumbersome. The attemptby Haberlandt to establish plant tissue culture systemsprovided support for a better understanding of thetotipotency of plant cells. Plant tissue culture offers aneffective solution of such problems of propagation of fruitcrops. Improvement of fruit crops through severalbiotechnological approaches, highly efficient regenerationis a prerequisite (Litz and Gray, 1995). Somatic embryogenesisin fruit crops is emerging as an attractive and at timesindispensable adjunct to conventional plant breeding. It isan ideal system for investigation of the whole process ofdifferentiation of plants, as well as the mechanisms ofexpression of totipotency in plant cells. It has several distinctadvantages over the conventional micropropagation (Litzand Gray, 1992). The rapid improvement in the somaticembryogenesis methods allows extensive practical andcommercial applications, particularly for in vitro clonalmicropropagation. Application of somatic embryogenesisin fruit crop improvement has been limited because of poorgermination of somatic embryos and low frequency ofrecovery of somatic seedlings. However, as a system forlarge-scale production in bioreactors through repetitiveinduction, somatic embryogenesis has attracted the attentionof fruit breeders and pomologists for the improvement offruit trees. The desirable traits for fruit tree improvementinclude delayed ripening, pest resistance, disease resistance,drought and cold tolerance, fruit quality, root ability of maturetissues, reduced juvenility, regular bearing habit andalteration of tree forms and architecture e.g. dwarfing andsemi dwarfing capacity. Strategies that have been developedSomatic embryogenesis (SE) is a process of advancement in vegetative propagation technology for plants, which has amajor impact on tree breeding and high value horticultural crops. The process describes the mass multiplication of newand elite varieties within a short span of time within limited resources. The production of true to type plants with new anddesired traits against various biotic and abiotic stresses through in vitro selection and genetic enhancement via. transgenicis the needful. The rate of multiplication by conventional breeding methods is slow and nature dependant while, somaticembryogenesis could assist in rapid and mass multiplication of newly released and improved cultivars. A brief overview onsomatic embryogenesis for crop improvement process is reviewed in this review article.
Agricultural and Food Sciences,Biology
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