Augmented Reality and Gamification: A Framework for Developing Supplementary Learning Tool

Carlo H. Godoy,Carlo H. Godoy Jr
Computer Science and Game Theory
Abstract:The main purpose of the study is to develop a supplementary learning tool framework by the use of a dynamic mobile application using Unity AR and Vuforia for Senior High School (SHS) students and teachers to help the learning process in SHS Earth Science. The researchers will be using the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Model of methodology to ensure the quality of the software as well as the correctness of the development process. The expected result of the study is that Augmented Reality and Gamification will now be used as a supplementary learning tool in SHS Earth Science. Augmented Reality and Gamification can now be used as a supplementary learning tool in SHS Earth Science using the designed framework. Future studies will focus on the development of the framework and the mobile application. Since the system has a lot of potential in the education sector and due to the effects of COVID-19, the software will serve as a pioneer to show that a supplementary tool will help students learn logically and entertainingly especially since schools nowadays are transitioning with either distance learning or blended learning.
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