Modelling and Response Analysis of Multibody Large-Scale Displacement of Boom-Type Roadheader
Kai Zong,Shichen Fu,Xu Li,Miao Wu,Fulei Chu
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part K Journal of Multi-body Dynamics
Abstract:Boom-type roadheader is the most widely used equipment in the fully mechanized excavation face of coal mine. Under complicated operation conditions of underground coal mine, multibody large-scale displacement phenomenon of roadheader will occur during cutting process. Specifically, the position and attitude of the body are changing continuously, and radial runout phenomenon of the cutting arm will take place, which will seriously reduce the overall stability of roadheader and drivage efficiency of the roadway. Focused on the vertical cutting condition, the coupling dynamical model of position and attitude of the body is established based on Lagrange equation. Combined with the calculated cutting load, the dynamical model is solved through Simulink simulation method, and the solving results are analysed under different influence factors. Consequently, the response regularities of position and attitude of the body under influence of different factors are obtained. In the similar way, the dynamical model of radial runout quantity of the cutting arm is established, and the dynamic response of radial runout of the cutting arm during vertical cutting process is obtained as well. Finally, the simulation analysis results are validated through field experiments. The research work of this paper provides useful theoretical basis for deviation rectification control of the multibody structures of roadheader, fills the vacancy of theoretical study in this aspect, and contributes to improving the dynamics theory of mining machinery.