Robust Face Detection and Recognition using Image Processing and OpenCV
Aruna Bhat,Rahul Kumar Jha,Vansh Kedia
Abstract:An enormous progress in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Computer Vision is witnessed over the last decade, owing to a doubling in processing capacity per year, as well as a massive rise in data internationally. Facial identity, biometrics, and face identification have gone from a rarefied issue to a prominent topic for academics in computer science these days. Due to the basic nature of the topic, breakthroughs in computer image processing and understanding studies will give insights into how the human brain operates, according to the common belief. Face detection and recognition are often employed in national defense, CCTV surveillance, criminal investigation, personal protection, law enforcement, biometrics, and a variety of other applications. For this project, OpenCV, Haar cascade, NumPy, and Matplotlib Python packages are utilized. Haar-Cascades will be utilized for face detection, and OpenCV provides three built-in face recognizers: Face recognition algorithms such as Eigenfaces, Fisher faces, and Local binary pattern histograms are used. The approach employed in this research is literature review, which entails reading and examining numerous books or literature relevant to mathematical ideas that underpin the development of algorithms to detect a human's face, which are subsequently followed by implementation in code, particularly Python code.