The Use of Game Theoretic Based Algorithms for Dynamic Resource Allocation in Vehicular Cloud Computing Systems

Manpreet Singh
Abstract:The broad use of virtualization of hardware, service-oriented architecture, autonomic and utility computing, and the availability of inexpensive processors and storage devices have all contributed to the expansion of cloud computing. Now that we live in the age of cloud computing, all autonomous vehicles may communicate with one another to increase travel security and motorist convenience. Collecting and storing massive volumes of data on traffic is a major difficulty posed by the idea of fully linked automobiles. We suggest combining cloud computing along with vehicular networks so that cars may pool their processing power, data storage, and communication channels. The suggested design has three clouds: one in each vehicle, one along the road, and one in the middle. To efficiently divide up cloud assets, a game-theoretic strategy is introduced. Resource reservation is used as a solution for virtual machine migration caused by vehicle movement.
Computer Science,Engineering
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