Role of anisotropic confining potential and elliptical driving in dynamics of a Ge hole qubit
Bashab Dey,John Schliemann
Abstract:The squeezing of a Ge planar quantum dot significantly enhances the Rabi frequency of electric dipole spin resonance due to a strong Direct Rashba spin-orbit interaction (DR-SOI) in such geometries [Phys. Rev. B 104, 115425 (2021)]. We explore how an elliptical (squeezed) confinement and the driving field's polarization affect the Rabi frequency of a heavy-hole qubit in a planar Ge quantum dot. To compute the Rabi frequency, we focus on $p$-linear spin-orbit interactions (SOIs), specifically the electron-like Rashba, hole-like Rashba, and hole-like Dresselhaus SOIs, which dominate in planar Ge heterostructures. Using a Schrieffer-Wolff transformation for small SOI and driving strengths, we derive approximate analytical expressions for the Rabi frequency. For an out-of-plane magnetic field with magnitude $B$, we identify an operational region defined by $B$, squeezing, and polarization parameters, where 'clean' Rabi flips occur. Near the boundaries of this region, interference from higher orbital levels disrupts the two-level qubit subspace and degrades Rabi oscillations, imposing a limit on confinement squeezing. The Rabi frequency behaves differently for electron-like and hole-like Rashba SOIs, vanishing under right (left) circular polarization when only electron-like (hole-like) Rashba SOI is present in a circular confinement. For an in-plane magnetic field, the Rabi frequency is maximized for linear polarization when the driving electric field is parallel (perpendicular) to the magnetic field in the presence of purely Rashba (Dresselhaus) SOI. In both magnetic field orientations, higher Rabi frequencies are obtained in squeezed configurations when the major axes of the polarization ellipse and the confinement equipotential are aligned but have different eccentricities.
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics