Global polarization of hyperons in Au + Au collisions at GeV

Jaroslav Adam, L Adamczyk, JR Adams, James K Adkins, G Agakishiev, MM Aggarwal, Z Ahammed, NN Ajitanand, I Alekseev, DM Anderson, R Aoyama, A Aparin, D Arkhipkin, EC Aschenauer, MU Ashraf, F Atetalla, A Attri, GS Averichev, X Bai, V Bairathi, K Barish, AJ Bassill, A Behera, R Bellwied, A Bhasin, AK Bhati, J Bielcik, J Bielcikova, LC Bland, IG Bordyuzhin, JD Brandenburg, AV Brandin, D Brown, J Bryslawskyj, I Bunzarov, J Butterworth, H Caines, M Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, JM Campbell, D Cebra, I Chakaberia, P Chaloupka, F-H Chang, Z Chang, N Chankova-Bunzarova, A Chatterjee, S Chattopadhyay, JH Chen, X Chen, X Chen, J Cheng, M Cherney, W Christie, G Contin, HJ Crawford, S Das, TG Dedovich, IM Deppner, AA Derevschikov, L Didenko, C Dilks, X Dong, JL Drachenberg, JC Dunlop, LG Efimov, N Elsey, J Engelage, G Eppley, R Esha, S Esumi, O Evdokimov, J Ewigleben, O Eyser, R Fatemi, S Fazio, P Federic, P Federicova, J Fedorisin, P Filip, E Finch, Y Fisyak, CE Flores, L Fulek, CA Gagliardi, T Galatyuk, F Geurts, A Gibson, D Grosnick, DS Gunarathne, Y Guo, A Gupta, W Guryn, AI Hamad, A Hamed, A Harlenderova, JW Harris, L He, S Heppelmann, S Heppelmann, N Herrmann, A Hirsch, L Holub, S Horvat, X Huang, B Huang, SL Huang, HZ Huang, T Huang, TJ Humanic, P Huo, G Igo, WW Jacobs, A Jentsch, J Jia, K Jiang, S Jowzaee, EG Judd, S Kabana, D Kalinkin, K Kang, D Kapukchyan, K Kauder, HW Ke, D Keane, A Kechechyan, DP Kikoła, C Kim, TA Kinghorn, I Kisel, A Kisiel, L Kochenda, LK Kosarzewski, AF Kraishan, L Kramarik, L Krauth, P Kravtsov, K Krueger, N Kulathunga, S Kumar, L Kumar, J Kvapil, JH Kwasizur, R Lacey, JM Landgraf, J Lauret, A Lebedev, R Lednicky, JH Lee, X Li, C Li
Abstract:Global polarization of hyperons has been measured to be of the order of a few tenths of a percentage in Au+Au collisions at = 200 GeV, with no significant difference between and . These new results reveal the collision energy dependence of the global polarization together with the results previously observed at = 7.7–62.4 GeV and indicate noticeable vorticity of the medium created in noncentral heavy-ion collisions at the highest Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider collision energy. The signal is in rough quantitative agreement with the theoretical predictions from a hydrodynamic model and from a multi-phase transport model. The polarization is larger in more peripheral collisions, and depends weakly on the hyperon's transverse momentum and pseudorapidity within . An indication of the polarization dependence on the event-by-event charge asymmetry is observed at the level …
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