A unified approach to Hindman, Ramsey and van der Waerden spaces
Rafał Filipów,Krzysztof Kowitz,Adam Kwela
Abstract:For many years, there have been conducting research (e.g. by Bergelson, Furstenberg, Kojman, Kubiś, Shelah, Szeptycki, Weiss) into sequentially compact spaces that are, in a sense, topological counterparts of some combinatorial theorems, for instance Ramsey's theorem for coloring graphs, Hindman's finite sums theorem and van der Waerden's arithmetical progressions theorem. These spaces are defined with the aid of different kinds of convergences: IP-convergence, R-convergence and ordinary convergence.
The first aim of this paper is to present a unified approach to these various types of convergences and spaces. Then, using this unified approach, we prove some general theorems about existence of the considered spaces and show that all results obtained so far in this subject can be derived from our theorems.
The second aim of this paper is to obtain new results about the specific types of these spaces. For instance, we construct a Hausdorff Hindman space that is not an $\I_{1/n}$-space and a Hausdorff differentially compact space that is not Hindman. Moreover, we compare Ramsey spaces with other types of spaces. For instance, we construct a Ramsey space that is not Hindman and a Hindman space that is not Ramsey.
The last aim of this paper is to provide a characterization that shows when there exists a space of one considered type that is not of the other kind. This characterization is expressed in purely combinatorial manner with the aid of the so-called Katětov order that has been extensively examined for many years so far.
This paper may interest the general audience of mathematicians as the results we obtain are on the intersection of topology, combinatorics, set theory and number theory.
General Topology,Combinatorics,Logic