A second-order cone interior-point method for initially rigid cohesive fracture

K. Papoulia,S. Vavasis,M. Hirmand
Abstract:Initially rigid cohesive fracture is among the few techniques able to model complex and branching fracture with a sharp (nonsmeared) representation of the crack. Implicit time-stepping schemes are often favored in mechanics due to their ability to take larger time steps, but it is challenging to include an initially rigid cohesive model in an implicit scheme because the initiation of fracture corresponds to a nondifferentiability of the underlying potential. In this work, an interior-point method is proposed for implicit time stepping of initially rigid cohesive fracture. It uses techniques developed for convex secondorder cone programming for the nonconvex problem at hand. The underlying cohesive model is taken from Papoulia (2017) and is based on a nondifferentiable energy function. That previous work proposed an algorithm based on successive smooth approximations to the nondifferential objective for solving the resulting optimization problem. It is argued herein that cone programming can capture the nondifferentiability without smoothing, and the resulting cone formulation is amenable to interior-point algorithms. A further benefit of the formulation is that other conic inequality constraints are straightforward to incorporate. Computational results are provided showing that certain contact constraints can be easily handled and that the method is practical. 1. A nondifferentiable energy model for cohesive fracture In this section, we review prior work by Papoulia [15] as well as related works on nondifferentiable energy models for fracture. We assume throughout that temperature effects can be neglected so that consideration of thermodynamics reduces to mechanical potential and kinetic energy. Let Ω ⊂ Rdim (ndim = 2, 3) denote the initial configuration of the body under consideration. Let S ⊂ Ω be a union of (ndim − 1)-dimensional surfaces (when ndim = 3) or curves (when ndim = 2) that may each cut across the entire domain. Let u : Ω → Rdim be the displacement field, assumed to be differentiable except possibly for jumps on S. In this model of solid mechanics and fracture, two potential energies exist, one associated with the bulk model and one with a network of surfaces S inside the domain that serve as potential sites of fracture. Thus, the mechanical potential has the form:
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