Entrepreneurial Decisions of the Location Choice for Mergers and Acquisitions in the EU-27
Irina ChiriacIonel BostanIuliana Eugenia GeorgescuMihai Bogdan AfrasineiAlina Morosanua Faculty of Economics and Business Administration,Alexandru Ioan Cuza University,Iasi,Romaniab Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences,Stefan cel Mare University,Suceava,Romaniac Centre for European Studies,Faculty of Law,Alexandru Ioan Cuza University,Iasi,Romaniad Department of Social Sciences and Humanities,Institute of Interdisciplinarity Research,Alexandru Ioan Cuza University,Iasi,RomaniaIrina Chiriac is Teaching Assistant PhD in the Department of Accounting,Economic Informatics and Statistics,Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași,Romania. The areas of interest are: Financial Accounting,Public Accounting,Accounting in Tourism. After studying Economics and a master's degree in Accounting,Expertise and Audit,obtains the title of doctor in Accounting with the thesis Analysis of the impact of the merger on the financial position and performance of absorbing companies and becomes project director of postdoctoral research Study on the evolution of mergers and acquisitions in the current economic context,grant POSDRU. Signs studies and articles in international and national scientific journals in the field of Mergers and acquisitions,Entrepreneurship,Sustainable environment,audit. The research results were disseminated through participation in international conferences in Lisbon,Seville,Istanbul,Barcelona,Prague,Rome. Received award for research results - Web of Science articles red and yellow area - 2023 competition - Ministry of Education/UEFISCDI. She completed documentary internship in Italy and Greece.Ionel Bostan is Professor,PhD,at the "Ștefan cel Mare" University of Suceava; he is a PhD supervisor on Economics. His main areas of interest are Financial Law,and International Business. He is author and co-author of more than 110 articles published in international scientific journals indexed in Web of Science; he is also the author or co-author of about 9 books as well as of teaching and learning materials for students. Awarding the results of scientific research (12 awards for articles/ Red Area and Yellow Area ISI/WoS/Clarivate Analytics) - Ministry of Education/UEFISCDI,PNCDI 2013-2020. Motivation: "To increase the quality,impact and international visibility of research Romanians by recognizing and rewarding the significant results published in the prestige of the main international scientific flow". He is Corresponding Member of the American Romanian Academy and Doctor Honoris Causa of the Academy of Economic StudiesIuliana Eugenia Georgescu is full Professor in the Department of Accounting,Economic Informatics and Statistics,Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași (Romania),with over 30 years of experience in higher education,author and co-author of numerous books and specialized studies in accounting field. The areas of interest are General Accounting,Public Accounting,Managerial Accounting,Accounting for the reorganization of commercial companies,Accounting in tourism,etc. She participated in numerous national and international scientific conferences in the country and abroad and carried out documentation internships in France,Austria and Spain.Mihai Bogdan Afrasinei is Phd University Lecturer in the Department of Accounting,Economic Informatics and Statistics,Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași (Romania) author and co-author of some accounting studies and papers. His areas of interest are Accounting Basics,Financial Accounting,Public Accounting,Management Accounting,Tourism Accounting,Tax havens,Offshore companies,Value relevance. He completed a documentary internship in France.Alina Morosanu is a research assistant at the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Institute of Interdisciplinary Research (ICI). Since 2011,Alina has had a Ph.D. in the fundamental field of Economics,specializing in Cybernetics and Economic Statistics. She carried out a research internship at the University of Perugia,Italy (November 2010 – April 2011),where she participated in courses and seminars on data analysis in R software. As author or co-author,she has published several works,both in Romania and abroad. The published papers cover areas such as surveys,bibliometrics,human resources management,healthcare management,environmental pollution,and transport. After completing her Ph.D.,she worked in Romanian or foreign-owned companies as a statistician expert,analyst,and manager. During these professional experiences,She participated in numerous projects,which involved conducting surveys,data processing and analysis,writing research reports,and developing local/regional development strategies.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00128775.2024.2345665
Eastern European Economics
Abstract:Locations that offer a positive business climate with strong environmental performance and sustainable practices are more likely to attract companies seeking to integrate carbon dioxide reduction strategies through mergers and acquisitions (M&A). The aim of this study is to analyze the extent to which the business climate in European countries influences the M&A market. We considered the conditions of institutional, economic or sustainability regulations to determine if the ease of doing business (EDB) index, the World Governance Indicators, and carbon dioxide emissions can influence the evolution of M&A. After applying the Ordinary Least Squares regression and panel analysis, the conclusion was that sustainability criteria are important factors for investors when choosing the companies to invest in.