Long-term outcomes after breast cancer liver metastasis surgery: A European, retrospective, snapshot study (LIBREAST STUDY)
Miguel Cantalejo-Díaz,José M Ramia,Iñaki Álvarez-Busto,Balint Kokas,Gerardo Blanco-Fernández,Elena Muñoz-Forner,Attila Oláh,Eva Montalvá-Orón,Víctor López-López,Fernando Rotellar,Hasan Eker,Arjen Rijken,Mikel Prieto-Calvo,Fabrizio Romano,Paola Melgar,Nikolaos Machairas,Semra Demirli Atici,Maria Jesús Castro-Santiago,Mickaël Lesurtel,Michal Skalski,Hüseyin Bayhan,Carlos Domingo-Del-Pozo,Oszkar Hahn,Noelia de Armas-Conde,Mirella Bauzá-Collado,Mario Serradilla-Martín,Scientific & Research Committee of the E-AHPBA
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.suronc.2024.102129
Abstract:Introduction: Breast cancer (BC) is the most common malignant tumor in women. Between 20 % and 30 % of patients develop metastases from BC, 50 % of them in the liver. The mean survival rate reported in patients with liver metastases from BC (LMBC) ranges from 3 to 29 months. The role of surgery in LMBC is not clearly defined. The objective of the present study was to determine the long-term survival and disease-free survival of patients undergoing surgery for LMBC and to identify the patients who most likely benefit from surgery. Material and methods: This retrospective multicenter cohort study included all consecutive patients undergoing LMBC surgery at the participating European centers from January 1, 2010, to December 31, 2015. The ClinicalTrials.gov ID is NCT04817813. Results: A hundred women (mean age 52.6 years) undergoing LMBC surgery were included. Five-year disease-free survival was 29 %, and 5-year overall survival was 60 %. Median survival after BC surgery was 12.4 years, and after LMBC surgery, 7 years. Patients with ECOG 1, ASA score I-II, metachronous LMBC, positive hormone receptors, and who had received neoadjuvant and adjuvant hormone treatment obtained the best overall and disease-free survival results. Conclusions: In cases of correct patient selection and as part of a comprehensive onco-surgical strategy, surgery for LMBC improves overall long-term survival. In our series, certain factors were linked to better disease-free and overall survival; consideration of these factors could improve the selection of the best candidates for LMBC surgery. Gov id: NCT04817813.