Comparative analysis of the use of electronic Internet of Things technologies in the healthcare sector of foreign countries and Russia.
D. V. Voshev,N. A. Vosheva,R. N. Shepel,I. M. Son,O. M. Drapkina,,,,,,,,,
Manager Zdravookhranenia
Abstract:The development of digital and information and communication technologies contributes to fundamental changes in all spheres of human life. Thanks to the Internet of Things technologies, medicine has moved to a new level of efficiency, convenience and quality of providing electronic medical services. The problems of the introduction of electronic services in the context of the development of e-governance require special consideration, potential threats in the collection, processing and storage of data in the field of healthcare are of particular concern. P u r p o s e o f t h e s t u d y is to conduct a comparative analysis of the use of modern trends in the introduction of electronic services in the healthcare sector of foreign countries and Russia with the use of Internet of Things technologies in the conditions of digitalization of the industry. M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . The following methods were used in the work: analysis – when searching and familiarizing with various web resources, relevant programs and portals on electronic management and the Internet of Things; comparison – when comparing the stages and mechanisms of using Internet of Things technologies in the development of digitalization of healthcare in the world; analogy and extrapolation – to determine the possibilities, implementation of foreign experience. R e s u l t s . The best foreign practices of providing electronic services in the field of healthcare with the use of Internet of Things technologies were revealed. A trend has been established for the appearance and use of various devices using Internet of Things technology that are used to provide medical services, in particular those that have the functions of medical equipment and help to conduct an online examination. The US experience in the introduction of electronic medical records and the maintenance of relevant databases is disclosed. Separately, attention is focused on the experience of countries that are trying to prevent excessive personalization and identification of data. С o n c l u s i o n s . Thus, electronic services are services that are provided in electronic format online. In Russia, they are regulated by a significant list of regulatory legal acts. At the same time, for the effective use of Internet of Things technologies in the provision of electronic medical services, first of all, it is necessary to solve the problem of de-identification (depersonalization) of data that is collected to meet this service.