Implementation of Problem Solving Methods Assisted by Dunia anak Applications to Improve Elementary School Students' Early Reading Skills

Dede Rizki Saepulah,Tri Joko Raharjo,Hartono .
International Journal of Research and Review
Abstract:Literacy activities for choosing Problem Solving learning methods or problem solving are also supported by several learning theories, namely Vigotsky's theory (Meo et al., 2021) explaining that intellectual development in individuals can be formed when faced directly with new and challenging experiences when solving existing problems. then Dahar (Rusman, 2012) said that learning new knowledge in accordance with one's own capacity will produce better and more meaningful things, because solving problems independently is supported by the knowledge they have. Problems that are packed with reading will make students understand reading and develop reading literacy. The need to develop learning media that can provide reading materials, train reading habits and reading literacy, so that in this case students are not only proficient in reading but also proficient in capturing meaning (Bada & Olugsegun, 2015) This study uses a quantitative experimental method. Problem solving as defined is a way of thinking scientifically to find a solution to a problem. (Sutarmi & Suarjana, 2019). Meanwhile, according to Arus Sohimin problem solving is a learning process that focuses on teaching and problem-solving skills followed by strengthening skills. In this case the problem is defined as a non-routine problem and the solution is not yet known. Precisely problem solving is looking for or finding ways of solving (finding patterns, rules) (Sitorus, nd, 2020) The research design used is the One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. This class will be treated by the teacher by applying the problem-solving method assisted by the application of the world of children in literacy activities. At the end of the learning process in the experimental class, it was measured using measuring instruments, namely interest questionnaires, responses and performance tests of students' early reading abilities, SPSS output results obtained through the Independent Samples Test in Table 4.6 above, it shows that the problem-solving method assisted by the child's world application is more than the average class student learning outcomes in demonstration learning. This is because the tcount obtained from the t-test for Equality of Means, which is 7,183, means that it exceeds the predetermined ttable, which is 1,669. In addition, the results from Sig. (2-tailed) is 0.001 meaning less than 5%, so the data concludes that reject H0 and accept Ha. This means that the average learning outcomes of students who were treated using the problem-solving method assisted by the children's world application were better than the average initial reading ability results that were given treatment with demonstration learning. Keywords: [Literacy, Problem Solving,]
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