Genetically modified pigs with CD163 point mutation are resistant to HP-PRRSV infection

Ying Liu,Lin Yang,Hong-Yong Xiang,Ming Niu,Jia-Cheng Deng,Xue-Yuan Li,Wen-Jie Hao,Hong-Sheng Ou-Yang,Tong-Yu Liu,Xiao-Chun Tang,Da-Xin Pang,Hong-Ming Yuan,吉林大学动物科学学院吉林省人兽共患病研究所重点实验室, 动物基因组编辑技术创新中心, 吉林 长春 130062, 中国,State Key Laboratory for Diagnosis and Treatment of Severe Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, Animal Genome Editing Technology Innovation Center, College of Animal Sciences, Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin 130062, China,赤峰家育种猪生态科技集团有限公司, 内蒙古 赤峰 024000, 中国,重庆吉棠生物技术研究院有限公司, 重庆400015, 中国,Chifeng Best Genetics Technology Co., Ltd., Chifeng, Nei Mongol 024000, China,Chongqing Jitang Biotechnology Research Institute Co., Ltd., Chongqing 400015, China
Zoological Research
Abstract:<p<porcine (hp-prrsv)="" (prrs)="" (prrsv),="" (wt)="" a="" about="" acid="" adverse="" amino="" and="" be="" between="" binding="" breeding="" by="" can="" caused="" cd163="" cells="" challenge="" concerns="" conducted="" confer="" confirming="" contagious="" controlling="" corresponding="" current="" deletion="" developing="" differences="" direction="" disease="" domain,="" e529g="" economic="" eff1ectively="" effective="" effects="" either="" entry.="" examination="" experiments="" findings="" for="" fragment="" function="" functional="" functions="" furthermore,="" future="" genetic="" globally="" growth="" had="" highly="" however,="" hp-prrsv.="" identified="" illustrated="" impact="" in="" indicators="" individual="" industry.="" inevitably="" infection="" influences="" inhibited="" insights="" into="" is="" large="" loads="" losses="" lower="" magnitude="" marc145="" markedly="" me535g="" modifications="" modifying="" mutation="" mutations="" no="" normal="" novel="" of="" on="" or="" orders="" outbreaks.<="" p="" p<<="" pathogenic="" pe529g="" performance.="" physiological="" pigs="" pigs,="" pigs.="" pk-15<sup<cd163<="" positive-strand="" potential="" prevalent="" preventing="" proliferation="" proliferation.="" promising="" providing="" prrs="" prrsv="" prrsv-resistant="" raise="" reducing="" reproductive="" resistance="" respiratory="" resulting="" revealed="" rna="" scavenger="" significant="" specific="" srcr5="" study,="" substantial="" substitution,="" suggest="" sup Zoological Research. 2024 45(4): 833-844. Published 2024-06-06</p
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