Budget Feasible Mechanism Design via Random Sampling
Xiaohui Bei,Ning Chen,Nick Gravin,Pinyan Lu
DOI: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1107.2994
Abstract:Budget feasible mechanism considers algorithmic mechanism design questions where there is a budget constraint on the total payment of the mechanism. An important question in the field is that under which valuation domains there exist budget feasible mechanisms that admit `small' approximations (compared to a socially optimal solution). Singer \cite{PS10} showed that additive and submodular functions admit a constant approximation mechanism. Recently, Dobzinski, Papadimitriou, and Singer \cite{DPS11} gave an $O(\log^2n)$ approximation mechanism for subadditive functions and remarked that: "A fundamental question is whether, regardless of computational constraints, a constant-factor budget feasible mechanism exists for subadditive function."
In this paper, we give the first attempt to this question. We give a polynomial time $O(\frac{\log n}{\log\log n})$ sub-logarithmic approximation ratio mechanism for subadditive functions, improving the best known ratio $O(\log^2 n)$. Further, we connect budget feasible mechanism design to the concept of approximate core in cooperative game theory, and show that there is a mechanism for subadditive functions whose approximation is, via a characterization of the integrality gap of a linear program, linear to the largest value to which an approximate core exists. Our result implies in particular that the class of XOS functions, which is a superclass of submodular functions, admits a constant approximation mechanism. We believe that our work could be a solid step towards solving the above fundamental problem eventually, and possibly, with an affirmative answer.
Computer Science and Game Theory