Does microbial carbon use efficiency differ between particulate and mineral‐associated organic matter?
Lixiao Ma,Erxiong Zhu,Juan Jia,Ya Wang,Enze Kang,Wenxing Yi,Zhenhui Jiang,Guohua Dai,Xiaojuan Feng
IF: 6.282
Functional Ecology
Abstract:Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog. Microbial carbon use efficiency (CUE), a key parameter to characterize microbial carbon conversion efficiency, is assumed to be similar in soil models for different soil functional pools with varied organic matter composition and nutrient availability, that is, particulate organic matter (POM) and mineral‐associated organic matter (MAOM). However, empirical studies comparing microbial CUE in POM versus MAOM are largely lacking. It is not known whether microbial CUE variance may underpin the variant behaviour (i.e. turnover and composition) of different soil functional pools. Here we collected surface soils from 25 natural forests and grasslands with divergent edaphic properties, and compared microbial CUE in their POM versus MAOM using soil fractionation in combination with incubation using 18O‐labelled water. We also quantified edaphic properties, organic matter composition, microbial community structures and the stoichiometric imbalance of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) relative to carbon based on the dissolved pool relative to microbial biomass (ImN and ImP) to investigate variables regulating microbial CUE and its variation in POM relative to MAOM (CUEPOM/CUEMAOM). In contrast to our expectation, microbial CUE did not consistently differ between POM and MAOM across sites, albeit with large inter‐sample variations in CUEPOM/CUEMAOM (from 0.3 to 4.4). Although MAOM had higher substrate quality, indicated by lower ratios of soil organic carbon to total nitrogen (C/NOM) and higher N‐compounds/aromatic ratios, and higher proportions of r‐strategists and fast‐growing bacteria in the microbial community than POM, POM and MAOM had similar degrees of N limitation (i.e. ImN), which was the best predictor of microbial CUE across all samples. Therefore, although MAOM harboured more N‐containing compounds than POM, N limitation was not necessarily lower, leading to an overall similar microbial CUE in POM and MAOM. Nevertheless, CUEPOM/CUEMAOM decreased with increasing P limitation in POM relative to MAOM. Overall, our paper presents a comprehensive, empirical study comparing microbial CUE in POM and MAOM of diverse soils, and our results support the use of similar microbial CUE for POM and MAOM in soil models, but also highlight potential contrasts in microbial CUE between soil pools under strong P limitation. Such inferences deserve attention under potentially increasing P limitation induced by N deposition. This study advances our mechanistic understanding of ecological patterns and processes from the organismic to the ecosystem scale based on soil microbial physiology and different soil functional pools. Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog. 摘要 微生物碳利用效率(CUE)是表征微生物利用有机碳进行合成代谢的效率参数,在土壤碳循环模型中至关重要。当前土壤碳库模型通常假设,土壤中两类形成途径、持久性和功能不同的碳库,即颗粒有机质(POM)和矿物结合有机质(MAOM),具有相似的微生物CUE。然而, 在POM和MAOM中对比微生物CUE的实证研究却鲜有报道。目前尚不清楚微生物CUE的差异是否会导致不同土壤碳库的关键属性(即有机碳周转和组成)产生差异。 本研究从25个天然森林和草地采集了具有不同理化性质的表层土壤,从中分离出POM和MAOM作为研究对象,利用18O标记水的培养实验,比较了POM和MAOM中微生物CUE的大小;并结合对气候因子、土壤性质、底物质量、微生物群落结构以及养分可利用性等参数测定,评估了其对微生物CUE及POM和MAOM中微生物CUE的比例(CUEPOM/CUEMAOM)的影响。 与研究预期相反,尽管CUEPOM/CUEMAOM具有较大的变异范围(0.3–4.4),但总体而言,微生物CUE在POM和MAOM间并无规律一致的差异。虽然MAOM 具有更高的底物质量,即较低的土壤有机碳与全氮的比值、较高的含氮化合物与芳香化合物比例以及较高比例的r策略微生物与快速生长细菌,但微生物氮限制在POM和MAOM之间无显著差异,导致微生物CUE 在POM和MAOM中总体相似。然而,随着微生物磷限制在POM中相对增加,CUEPOM/CUEMAOM随之降低。 总体而言,本研究提供了一项综合的实证性研究,比较了不同土壤POM和MAOM中的微生物CUE差异。本研究的结果初步支持了在土壤模型中对POM和MAOM使用相同的微生物CUE值。但是,在磷限制增强的情景下,不同土壤碳库的微生物CUE可能存在潜在差异。在氮沉降导致磷限制潜在增强的背景下,这一推论值得关注。