Improving the Quality of Blended Learning through Mobile Learning Applications in Basic Programming Learning for Vocational School Students

Mohammad Nasikhun Amin,Dwitha Fajri Ramadhani,Heru Wahyu Herwanto
Letters in Information Technology Education (LITE)
Abstract:The development of science and technology demands a more effective and innovative learning process that gives rise to various types of technology-based educational innovations. The results of observations and informal interviews at SMKN 1 Kepanjen found that basic programming is a subject that is considered difficult, the time allocation given is also lacking, the methods and media used by teachers have not helped students learn the material, and the use of mobile devices in learning is still lacking. This development research followed ADDIE's steps which consisted of five stages, namely analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The results of this development research are (1) to produce a mobile learning media product called coding; (2) learning media is stated to be very valid to be used as learning media in terms of the media expert's average score of 96.64 percent in the very valid category, the mean material expert's validity score is 87.94 percent in the very valid category, the small group's average score is 85.15 percent in the very decent category, and the mean score of the large group was 81.90 percent in the very decent category; and (3) the usefulness of the product is proven through learning independence which is obtained from the student's response of 79.28 percent in the effective category.
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