Design and build an internet of thing (IOT) solar panel monitoring and solar tracking system

Made Dika Nugraha,Kadek Agus Mahabojana,Nyoman Angga Prabawa
Abstract:Nowadays, solar panels as a solar power plant which is a renewable energy source requires a tool to monitor the solar panel system. Solar panels can be controlled automatically by a tracking system using microcontroller instrumentation technology. A monitoring and solar tracking system has been designed and built using Arduino Uno R3 microcontroller, Node MCU ESP 8266, Humidity Sensor DHT-11 and PZEM-004T V3.0 based on Internet of Thing (IoT) displayed on smartphone communication devices using Blynk software. Tool testing was carried out in South Denpasar. The research methodology consists of literature study, development of the first system to system refinement and system testing at one point of the building without any hindrance. The results of this study are that the Solar Tracking System shows that the LDR sensor readings are very responsive in receiving sunlight which functions to drive servo motors and the tool can monitor Solar Panels and read the characteristic value of the relationship between light intensity, temperature, load on the measurement results will be displayed on Blynk application menu that has been designed and generated power. The power output generated from the tracker is greater than without a solar tracker.
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