Діляфруз Бахитжановна ЄСІРКЕП,Asiya INKARBEK,Dilyafruz ESIRKEP,,
Abstract:Shows how it is possible to develop thetransla-tion activity of students of the specialty "Transla-tion business".Problem. Translation plays a rather important role in various spheres of human activity. There-fore, the translation course is an essential part of the general linguistic and professional training of a philologist and a linguist translator.Purpose –theoretical substantiation and practi-cal development of theoretical and methodological foundations for the development of translation ac-tivities of students of the specialty "translation studies".Research methods. The following research methods were used: theoretical: analysis of scien-tific and pedagogical literature on the problem un-der study; empirical: questionnaires, pedagogical observation; statistical: methods of processing the received pedagogical data.The main results of the study. The results of the study are reflected in the following tables: 1 –levels of English language learning in the specialty "Translation studies: English language"; 2 –classi-fication of types of translation; 3 –the results of the survey; the criteria for evaluating the current, in-termediate certification of learning outcomes are proposed.The scientific novelty of the research results lies in the fact that a systematic analysis of the devel-opment of translation activities of students of the specialty "translation studies " in the courses has been undertaken, which will expand and clarify the knowledge of the peculiarities of translation studies among students of the specialty "translation stud-ies ".Conclusions and specific suggestions of the au-thor:1. In order to form a cognitive base in the field under study, it is necessary to familiarize students with educational texts on the specialty in their na-tive language, which should describe the main provisionsin an accessible form, explain the basic concepts and terms.2. A schematic representation of the structure, composition or structure of the object under study is required, indicating the names of the components and details.3. An analysis of the lexicon of a specialist is required.4. When translating, it is necessary to select a terminology bank that includes basic terms, defini-tions and translation into a foreign language for study.5. To read and discuss tests on the topic under study, educational texts from various sources should be prepared.6. The selection of a cycle of texts for the trans-lation of one topic should be organized according to the principle "from simple to complex"
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