Chuyko Halyna Чуйко Галина Василівна,Chaplak Yan Чаплак Ян Васильович,Koltunovich Tetyana Колтунович Тетяна Анатоліївна,Halyna Chuyko,Yan Chaplak,Tetyana Koltunovich
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31108/3.2023.7.1.7
Abstract:The article deals with the theoretical analysis of the phenomenon of procrastination and its interpretation in psychology and the empirical study of the main factors of the manifestations of procrastination in youth under the conditions of distance learning. The research used a set of complementary methods and techniques: theoretical: analysis, synthesis, and generalization of scientists' views on procrastination; empirical: "General Procrastination Scale (GPS), Clarry H. Lay", "Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory, ZTPI”, self-organization of activity questionnaire (OSD), "Maslach Burnout Inventory", (MВI) K. Maslach, S. Jackson, "Test of Self-Conscious Affect" (TOSCA) J.P. Tangney, "Capacity for self-management" by M. Peysakhov, “Rotter’s Internal-External Locus of Control Scale”, mathematical statistics: descriptive statistics, correlation analysis (Spearman's rho); factor analysis (Principal components). It is noted that scientists rightly draw attention to the fact that procrastination can refer not only to delaying the start of action but also to any stage of its implementation, and the least agreed upon in science are questions about the irrationality and awareness of procrastination and the degree of importance of the task postponed for later. It is shown that procrastination is an ambiguously negative phenomenon: 1) it is possible to postpone matters for later with a strategic goal: to use the time for thorough preparation for its implementation; 2) "for later" is not the same as "untimely" or "not to fulfill"; 3) not important tasks are postponed more often, but tasks imposed on the executor from the outside, but subjectively uninteresting to him. According to the results of our research, we can assume that a person prone to procrastination: burns out faster; is external; with a poorly developed ability to self-regulate in general and its components in particular; does not know how to structure time adequately; with no plans for the future; with insufficient ability to self-manage; does not feel guilty for his inactivity, and is not proud of himself. It is concluded that the most researched in psychology is academic procrastination, while general procrastination is currently rarely the object of investigation; a complete, justifiable, and acceptable for most scholars studying the problem of procrastination understanding of procrastination that takes into account its various aspects is still under development.
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