Categories of time and space in the work of G. D. Grebenshchikov “Moya Sibir’” and its author’s translation into English “My Siberia”

Elena V. Yarkova,
Sibirskiy filologicheskiy zhurnal
Abstract:This paper defines the influence of time and space categories on the artistic paradigm of G. D. Grebenshchikov. The writer’s spiritual philosophy is, to a certain extent, based on the teaching of Living Ethics, which is explained by both philosophical and biographical reasons: Grebenshchikov’s acquaintance with the Roerichs, his move to the USA, and foundation of the “Alatas” publishing house as part of the “Roerich Museum” in New York. “My Siberia” is an illustrative representation of how the philosophy of Living Ethics is incorporated into Grebenshchikov’s works, both in Russian and in English, primarily at the level of the spatio- temporal organization of the text. The concept of time and space united by unique relations mutually flowing into each other is one of the key concepts for the philosophy of Living Eth- ics. Being largely inspired by the philosophy of Tibetan Buddhism, Living Ethics has ac- quired a particular coloring, becoming one of the cornerstones of Russian cosmism. Enlight- ened by this philosophy, G. D. Grebenshikov demonstrated the chronotopic organization of Living Ethics in a number of his works, including the collection “My Siberia.” The writer used nation-building motifs, messianic intentions, and actualization of the motif of insepara- bility between large and small, the past and the future. The author constructs a syncretic im- age of Siberia, with historical time and space not only neighboring with mythological but also existing in an inseparable connection.
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