Perngaruh Penggantian Rumput Gajah dengan Solid Ex-Decanter dalam Ransum Ternak Sapi Potong terhadap Karakteristik Fermentasi Rumen secara In Vitro
Muhammad Ambar Islahuddin,Teja Kaswari,Heni Suryani,Muhammad Afdal
Abstract:ABSTRAK . Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggantian rumput gajah dengan solid ex-decanter dalam ransum ternak sapi potong terhadap produksi gas total dan karakteristik fermentasi rumen secara in vitro. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 6 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Perlakuan yang dievaluasi terdiri dari P1 = 100% Rumput Gajah, P2 = 80% Rumput Gajah: 20 % Solid Ex-Decanter, P3 = 60% Rumput Gajah : 40% Solid Ex-Decanter, P4 = 40% Rumput Gajah : 60% Solid Ex-Decanter, P5 = 20% Rumput Gajah: 70% Solid Ex-Decanter, P6 = 100% Solid Ex-Decanter. Sampel digiling dan disaring dengan alat penyaring ukuran 1 mm. Sebanyak 1 g sampel dari tiap perlakuan diinkubasi dengan larutan anaerobik medium (8 ml cairan rumen + 32 ml Mcdoughall) pada suhu 39 o C selama 48 jam. Pada akhir periode inkubasi, residu dipisahkan menggunakan sentrifuge sehingga terpisah antara supernatant dan residu. Supernatant digunakan untuk analisis VFA, NH 3 dan pH. Hasil analisis ragam menunjukan bahwa level solid ex-decanter perlakuan P1-P6 berpengaruh sangat nyata (P<0,01) terhadap produksi gas total, konsentrasi VFA dan konsentrasi NH 3 namun tidak berpengaruh nyata (P>0,05) terhadap pH . . Hasil uji polynomial orthogonal dari produksi gas total, VFA dan NH 3 diperoleh hubungan Y = -0,394x + 140,65; Y = -0,2417x + 89,292; Y = -0,0239x + 4,3262. Disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan solid ex-decanter pada taraf 100% tidak dapat menggantikan rumput gajah, penggunaan solid ex-decanter dapat menggantikan rumput gajah pada taraf 20%. Influence Replacement Pennisetum Purpureum with Solid Ex-Decanter in Beef Cattle Fed on In vitro Rumen Fermentation Characteristic ABSTRACT . The study aimed to determine the effect of replacing elephant grass with solid ex-decanter in beef cattle fed on total gas production and the characteristics of rumen fermentation in vitro. This study used a complete randomized design with 6 treatments of 3 repeats. The treatment consists of P1 = 100% Elephant Grass, P2 = 80% Elephant Grass: 20 % Solid Ex-Decanter, P3 = 60% Elephant Grass : 40% Solid Ex-Decanter, P4 = 40% Elephant Grass : 60% Solid Ex-Decanter, P5 = 20% Elephant Grass: 70% Solid Ex-Decanter, P6 = 100% Solid Ex-Decanter. The sample is ground and filtered with a filter tool size of 1 mm. A total of 1 g of samples from each treatment were incubated with a medium anaerobic solution at a temperature of 39 o C for 48 hours. At the end of the incubation period, the residues were separated using centrifuge so that they separated between the supernatant and the residue, a supernatant solution was used to calculate VFA, NH 3 and pH. The results of the variety analysis showed that the solid ex-decanter level of P1-P6 treatment had a very significantly effect (P<0.01) on total gas production, VFA concentration and NH 3 concentration but had no significant effect (P>0.05) on pH . The orthogonal polynomial result showed that there is a linear relationship between total gas production, VFA and NH 3 with the equation Y = -0,394x + 140,65; Y = -0,2417x + 89,292; Y = -0,0239x + 4,3262. It was concluded that the use of solid ex-decanter at the level of 100% cannot replace elephant grass, the use of solid ex-decanter can replace elephant grass at the level of 20%. Keywords : Rumen f ermentation, s olid level , i n vitro.