A Technological Revolution : Social Learning and Networking
Hervé Bourlard,Vikram Krishnamurthy,H. Vicky Zhao
Abstract:T he past decade witnesses the emergence and popularity of online social Web sites, blogs, instant messaging systems, and media-sharing networks. The resulting trend toward social learning and networking creates a technological revolution to industries, brings new experience to users, and profoundly changes our daily lives. Increasingly, people use the Internet as a social medium to interact with each other and expand their social circles, share information and experiences, and organize communities and activities. These trends also pose new challenges to the effective management of the resulting avalanche of multimodal information that people create, share, and distribute over networks. Finally, this also raises new challenges related to security and privacy issues associated with heterogeneous data sources and different security/privacy policies. These new challenges call for novel solutions to model user interactions and study the impact of human behavior on social networks, analyze how users learn from each other as well as from past experiences, study how users can use such networks of humans and computers to solve complex societal problems, and to understand people’s cognitive and social abilities. These solutions will facilitate the design of future societies/networks with enhanced efficiency, stability, security, privacy, availability, and manageability. This is an interdisciplinary research area covering signal processing, social signal processing, information science, sociology, psychology, and economics, in which (multimodal) signal and (multimedia) information processing play a critical role. The advanced signal and information processing technologies will enable us to better characterize, understand, and ultimately influence human