Traian Ionut Mercea
The Annals of Dunarea de Jos University of Galati Fascicle XV Physical Education and Sport Management
Abstract:The traditional practice of playing football in school, means going through the technical-tactical elements of the game according to the analytical method. Each process is practiced, in order to learn, isolated, broken by the conditions of the game. No matter how adequate the methods and means used are, the exercises will not succeed in ensuring the complete, multilateral employment of the student, so that through the immediate and subsequent effects the major objectives will be achieved, which motivated the introduction of football in school. The practice of the integral game, with some simplified rules, ensures a much greater contribution and a special contribution to the involvement of football in the tasks of physical education. In the game, students are engaged multilaterally in the bio-psycho-motor plane, and the phenomena of addiction, teacher-student is diminished. During the game, the teacher intervenes in correcting some fundamental mistakes in the technical-tactical executions, or in interpreting the game rules. Integral play, however, cannot be practiced without the students having acquired a minimum of specific motor knowledge and skills. The teacher's mastery consists in knowing how much of the physical education lesson is given to learning the technical procedures separately, how much in conditions analogous to the game and how much time is allocated to the whole game. In addition to this time planning in the lesson, the teacher must also schedule new technical-tactical actions subject to the learning process and the consolidation of the technical procedures underlying the development of the game of football. Starting from the optimal, technical-tactical model of the graduate, the content of the training must be in accordance with this model and staggered on the requirements of their periodization and staging. This need is imposed by the practice of the game of football both in school - as a means of physical education, but also by the participation of students in school competitions reserved for them and which includes the entire mass of students. So, in the physical education lesson, the isolated learning of the technical-tactical elements and procedures will be short, insisting on their repetition and consolidation within the technical-tactical actions of the game, by practicing the bilateral game. The system of physical education and sports has a dynamic character, being subjected over time to changes and adaptations dictated by the social order, respectively by the state of society and its members, by technological progress and cultural level, by their aspirations. In the spirit of this dynamic, the steps of elaboration and revision of the school curricula in a curricular vision are revealed. This vision presupposes “a design in their interaction of objectives, contents, learning activities and evaluation principles and methods. The curriculum for physical education in secondary education reflects a new conception regarding the formation and complex development of the autonomous and creative personality of the students ”. The curricular area underlying the new curricula is a first step in decentralizing education, offering increased opportunities for choice, increasing the chances of an individualized teaching / learning process and increasing school autonomy in developing one's own curriculum. The methodical steps imposed by the new orientation of the physical education and sports activities in the school represent a challenge for all those involved in this process, "but the teacher will always remain the main creator of his lesson".