Screening Mixed-Metal Sn$_2$M(III)Ch$_2$X$_3$ Chalcohalides for Photovoltaic Applications
Pascal Henkel,Jingrui Li,G. Krishnamurthy Grandhi,Paola Vivo,Patrick Rinke
Abstract:Quaternary mixed-metal chalcohalides (Sn$_2$BCh$_2$X$_3$) are emerging as promising lead-free perovskite-inspired photovoltaic absorbers. Motivated by recent developments of a first Sn$_2$BCh$_2$X$_3$-based device, we used density functional theory to identify lead-free Sn$_2$BCh$_2$X$_3$ materials that are structurally and energetically stable within Cmcm, Cmc2$_1$ and P2$_1$/c space groups and have a band gap in the range of 0.7 to 2.0 eV to cover out- and indoor photovoltaic applications. A total of 27 Sn$_2$BCh$_2$X$_3$ materials were studied, including Sb, Bi, In for B-site, S, Se, Te for Ch-site and Cl, Br, I for X-site. We identified 12 materials with a direct band gap that meet our requirements, namely: Sn$_2$InS$_2$Br$_3$, Sn$_2$InS$_2$I$_3$, Sn$_2$InSe$_2$Cl$_3$, Sn$_2$InSe$_2$Br$_3$, Sn$_2$InTe$_2$Br$_3$, Sn$_2$InTe$_2$Cl$_3$, Sn$_2$SbS$_2$I$_3$, Sn$_2$SbSe$_2$Cl$_3$, Sn$_2$SbSe$_2$I$_3$, Sn$_2$SbTe$_2$Cl$_3$, Sn$_2$BiS$_2$I$_3$ and Sn$_2$BiTe$_2$Cl$_3$. A database scan reveals that 9 out of 12 are new compositions. For all 27 materials, P2$_1$/c is the thermodynamically preferred structure, followed by Cmc2$_1$. In Cmcm and Cmc2$_1$ mainly direct gaps occur, whereas mostly indirects in P2$_1$/c. To open up the possibility of band gap tuning in the future, we identified 12 promising Sn$_2$B$_{1-{a}}$B$'_{a}$Ch$_{2-{b}}$Ch$'_{b}$X$_{3-{c}}$X$_{c}$ alloys which fulfill our requirements and additional 69 materials by combining direct and indirect band gap compounds.
Materials Science