Ruling out color transparency in quasi-elastic $^{12}$C(e,e'p) up to $Q^2$ of 14.2 (GeV/c)$^2$
D. Bhetuwal,J. Matter,H. Szumila-Vance,M. L. Kabir,D. Dutta,R. Ent,D. Abrams,Z. Ahmed,B. Aljawrneh,S. Alsalmi,R. Ambrose,D. Androic,W. Armstrong,A. Asaturyan,K. Assumin-Gyimah,C. Ayerbe Gayoso,A. Bandari,S. Basnet,V. Berdnikov,H. Bhatt,D. Biswas,W. U. Boeglin,P. Bosted,E. Brash,M. H. S. Bukhari,H. Chen,J. P. Chen,M. Chen,E. M. Christy,S. Covrig,K. Craycraft,S. Danagoulian,D. Day,M. Diefenthaler,M. Dlamini,J. Dunne,B. Duran,R. Evans,H. Fenker,N. Fomin,E. Fuchey,D. Gaskell,T. N. Gautam,F. A. Gonzalez,J. O. Hansen,F. Hauenstein,A. V. Hernandez,T. Horn,G. M. Huber,M. K. Jones,S. Joosten,A. Karki,C. Keppel,A. Khanal,P. M. King,E. Kinney,H. S. Ko,M. Kohl,N. Lashley-Colthirst,S. Li,W. B. Li,A. H. Liyanage,D. Mack,S. Malace,P. Markowitz,D. Meekins,R. Michaels,A. Mkrtchyan,H. Mkrtchyan,S. J. Nazeer,S. Nanda,G. Niculescu,I. Niculescu,D. Nguyen,Nuruzzaman,B. Pandey,S. Park,E. Pooser,A. Puckett,M. Rehfuss,J. Reinhold,N. Santiesteban,B. Sawatzky,G. R. Smith,A. Sun,V. Tadevosyan,R. Trotta,S. A. Wood,C. Yero,J. Zhang
Abstract:Quasielastic $^{12}$C$(e,e'p)$ scattering was measured at space-like 4-momentum transfer squared $Q^2$~=~8, 9.4, 11.4, and 14.2 (GeV/c)$^2$, the highest ever achieved to date. Nuclear transparency for this reaction was extracted by comparing the measured yield to that expected from a plane-wave impulse approximation calculation without any final state interactions. The measured transparency was consistent with no $Q^2$ dependence, up to proton momenta of 8.5~GeV/c, ruling out the quantum chromodynamics effect of color transparency at the measured $Q^2$ scales in exclusive $(e,e'p)$ reactions. These results impose strict constraints on models of color transparency for protons.
Nuclear Experiment,High Energy Physics - Experiment,Nuclear Theory