Alobophora sandrae n. gen. n. sp. (Digenea: Caballerotrematidae) infecting Arapaima gigas sensu lato (Osteoglossiformes: Arapaimidae) with a revision of Caballerotrema, key to Caballerotrematidae, and updated phylogeny
Kamila Cajiao-Mora,John H Brule,Micah B Warren,Steven P Ksepka,Haley R Dutton,Stephen A Bullard
Abstract:We propose and describe Alobophora sandrae Cajiao-Mora & Bullard n. gen., n. sp. (Digenea: Caballerotrematidae) for specimens we collected from arapaima, Arapaima gigas sensu lato (Osteoglossiformes: Arapaimidae) in the Amazon River near Leticia, Colombia. Alobophora differs from Caballerotrema Prudhoe, 1960 by lacking head collar projections and by having clustered corner spines and a narrow head collar (4-5× wider than pharynx), whereas Caballerotrema has head collar projections, lacks clustered corner spines, and has a broad head collar (7-8× wider than pharynx). We reassign Caballerotrema annulatum (Diesing, 1850) Ostrowski de Núñez & Sattmann, 2002 to the new genus, as Alobophora annulata (Diesing, 1850) Cajiao-Mora and Bullard n. comb., and provide a supplemental description of Caballerotrema brasiliense Prudhoe, 1960 based on specimens we collected from arapaima. We also examined the holotype and a paratype of Caballerotrema piscicola (Stunkard, 1960) Kostadinova & Gibson, 2001 and concluded that C. piscicola is a junior subjective synonym of C. brasiliense. Our 28S phylogeny recovered A. sandrae sister to A. annulata, with that clade sister to a clade comprising C. brasiliense and an innominate species of Caballerotrema. Caballerotrematidae was recovered sister to Echinostomatidae. We also provide a dichotomous key to caballerotrematids based on head collar projections, corner spine arrangement, proportional pharynx and head collar breadth, testes shape and arrangement, body surface spine shape and distribution, vitellarium distribution, and abundance of prostatic cells.