A High Fidelity General Purpose 3-D Monte Carlo Particle Transport Program JMCT3.0
Deng Li,Li Gang,Zhang Bao-Yin,Li Rui,Zhang Ling-Yu,Wang Xin,Fu Yuan-Gang,Shi Dun-Fu,Liu Peng,Ma Yan,Shangguan Dan-Hu,Hu Ze-Hua,Zhou Sheng-Cheng,Shen Jing-Wen
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s41365-022-01092-0
Nuclear Science and Techniques
Abstract:JMCT is a large-scale, high-fidelity, three-dimensional general neutron–photon–electron–proton transport Monte Carlo software system. It was developed based on the combinatorial geometry parallel infrastructure JCOGIN and the adaptive structured mesh infrastructure JASMIN. JMCT is equipped with CAD modeling and visualizes the image output. It supports the geometry of the body and the structured/unstructured mesh. JMCT has most functions, variance reduction techniques, and tallies of the traditional Monte Carlo particle transport codes. Two energy models, multi-group and continuous, are provided.In recent years, some new functions and algorithms have been developed, such as Doppler broadening on-thefly(OTF), uniform tally density(UTD), consistent adjoint driven importance sampling(CADIS), fast criticality search of boron concentration(FCSBC) domain decomposition(DD), adaptive control rod moving(ACRM), and random geometry(RG) etc. The JMCT is also coupled with the discrete ordinate SNcode JSNT to generate source-biasing factors and weight-window parameters. At present, the number of geometric bodies, materials, tallies,depletion zones, and parallel processors are sufficiently large to simulate extremely complicated device problems.JMCT can be used to simulate reactor physics, criticality safety analysis, radiation shielding, detector response,nuclear well logging, and dosimetry calculations etc. In particular, JMCT can be coupled with depletion and thermal-hydraulics for the simulation of reactor nuclear-hot feedback effects. This paper describes the progress in advanced modeling, high-performance numerical simulation of particle transport, multiphysics coupled calculations, and large-scale parallel computing.