Jig and Fixture Redesign for Making Reamer on Head Cylinder
Bella Cornelia Tjiptady,Rifki Zainur Rahman,Ratna Fajarwati Meditama,Gede Widayana
DOI: https://doi.org/10.23887/jptm.v9i1.32597
Jurnal Pendidikan Teknik Mesin Undiksha
Abstract:Proses produksi telah banyak berevolusi dengan diperkenalkannya konsep manufaktur inovatif yang handal. Salah satu komponen mesin yang banyak diproduksi adalah cylinder head. Cylinder head harus tahan terhadap temperatur dan tekanan yang tinggi selama engine bekerja. Oleh sebab itu umumnya cylinder head dibuat dari besi tuang. Kendala yang ada saat ini yaitu proses pembuatan cylinder head kurang efektif dan efisien karena ketika menetapkan sudut untuk membuat reamer berbasis manual, selain itu setting benda kerja tidak otomatis sehingga membutuhkan waktu yang terlalu lama. Solusi dari permasalahan tersebut yaitu dengan adanya jig dan fixture. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metodologi perancangan fixture (Society of Manufacturing Engineers). Berdasarkan hasil analisis, terdapat kelebihan dari jig dan fixture yang telah dirancang ulang yaitu: 1) memiliki stoper yang berfungsi untuk memberhentikan benda kerja, dengan sudut yang sudah ditentukan sehingga tidak perlu mensetting sudut kembali; 2) tidak mudah bergeser apabila fixture dipasang dan sejajar di meja frais; 3) terdapat dua engsel sehingga lebih balance; 4) pemasangan tidak rumit sehingga tidak memakan banyak waktu dalam pembuatan produk.Kata kunci: Jig and fixture; redesign; head cylinder The production process has evolved a lot with the introduction of innovative reliable manufacturing concepts. One of the engine components that are widely produced is the cylinder head. The cylinder head must withstand high temperatures and pressures while the engine is running. Therefore, generally the cylinder head is made of cast iron. The current constraint is that the cylinder head manufacturing process is less effective and efficient because when setting the angle to make the reamer a manual basis, besides that the workpiece setting is not automatic so it takes too long. The solution to this problem is the presence of jigs and fixtures. The research method used is the fixture design methodology (Society of Manufacturing Engineers). Based on the results of the analysis, there are advantages to the redesigned jig and fixture, namely: 1) it has a stoper which functions to stop the workpiece, at a predetermined angle so that there is no need to set the angle again; 2) it does not move easily when the fixture is installed and parallel to the milling table; 3) there are two hinges so that it is more balanced; 4) installation is not complicated so it does not take much time to manufacture the product.Keywords : Jig and fixture; redesign; head cylinder. DAFTAR RUJUKAN Basuki, B., Yoto., Suyetno A., & Tjiptady, B. C. (2020). Management Model of Manufacturing Workshop/Laboratory of Vocational Education in the Industry 4.0. 4th International Conference on Vocational Education and Training (ICOVET), Malang, Indonesia, 2020, pp. 127-130, doi: 10.1109/ICOVET50258.2020.9230188. Choong, G. Y. H., Canciani, A., & Defocatiis, D. S. A. (2020). An Adaptable Flexural Test Fixture for Miniaturised Polymer Specimens. Polymer Testing, 85, 106430. doi:10.1016/j.polymertesting.2020.106430 Craig, O., Picavea, J., Gameros, A., Axinte, D., & Lowth, S. (2020). Conformable Fixture Systems With Flexure Pins For Improved Workpiece Damping. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 50, 638–652. doi:10.1016/j.jmapro.2019.12.045 Fonte, M., Reis, L., Infante, V., & Freitas, M. (2019). Failure Analysis of Cylinder Head Studs of a Four Stroke Marine Diesel Engine. Engineering Failure Analysis. doi:10.1016/j.engfailanal.2019.03.026 Gameros, A., Lowth, S., Axinte, D., Nagy-Sochacki, A., Craig, O., & Siller, H. R. (2017). State-Of-The-Art In Fixture Systems For The Manufacture And Assembly Of Rigid Components: A Review. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 123, 1–21. doi:10.1016/j.ijmachtools.2017.07.004 Jing, G. X., Zhang, M. X., Qu, S., Pang, J. C., Fu, C. M., Dong, C., Zhang, Z. F. (2018). Investigation into diesel engine cylinder head failure. Engineering Failure Analysis, 90, 36–46. doi:10.1016/j.engfailanal.2018.03.008 Kamble, V. D., & Mathew, A. T. (2020). Brief Review of Methodologies for Creation of Cohesive Fixture Design. Materials Today: Proceedings, 22, 3353–3363. doi:10.1016/j.matpr.2020.04.285 Kampker, A., Bergweiler, G., Hollah, A., Lichtenthäler, K., & Leimbrink, S. (2019). Design and Testing of The Different Interfaces In A 3D Printed Welding Jig. Procedia CIRP, 81, 45–50. doi:10.1016/j.procir.2019.03.009 Krznar, N., Pilipović, A., & Šercer, M. (2016). Additive Manufacturing of Fixture for Automated 3D Scanning–Case Study. Procedia Engineering, 149, 197–202. doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2016.06.656 Kumar, S., Campilho, R. D. S. G., & Silva, F. J. G. (2019). Rethinking Modular Jigs’ Design Regarding the Optimization of Machining Times. Procedia Manufacturing, 38, 876–883. doi:10.1016/j.promfg.2020.01.169 Lu, R., Li, Y.-C., Li, Y., Jiang, J., & Ding, Y. (2020). Multi-agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Demand Response for Discrete Manufacturing Systems Energy Management. Applied Energy, 276, 115473. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2020.115473 Ma, S., Zhang, Y., Yang, H., Lv, J., Ren, S., & Liu, Y. (2020). Data-driven Sustainable Intelligent Manufacturing Based on Demand Response for Energy-Intensive Industries. Journal of Cleaner Production, 123155. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2020. 123155 Marsono, Yoto, Sutadji E., & Tjiptady, B. C. (2020). Career Development and Self-Efficacy Through Industrial Working Practice in Vocational Education," 4th International Conference on Vocational Education and Training (ICOVET), Malang, Indonesia, 2020, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICOVET50258.2020.9230111 Nee, A. Y. C., Bhattacharyya, N., & Poo, A. N. (1987). Applying AI in Jigs and Fixtures Design. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 3(2), 195–200. doi:10.1016/0736-5845(87)90102-5 Qolik, A., Nurmalasari, R., Yoto., & Tjiptady, B. C. (2020). The Role of Special Job Fair in Distributing Competitive Graduates in the 21st Century. 4th International Conference on Vocational Education and Training (ICOVET), Malang, Indonesia, 2020, pp. 115-118, doi: 10.1109/ICOVET50258.2020.9230064 Schuh, G., Bergweiler, G., Lichtenthäler, K., Fiedler, F., & Puente, R. S. (2020). Topology Optimisation and Metal Based Additive Manufacturing of Welding Jig Elements. Procedia CIRP, 93, 62–67. doi:10.1016/j.procir.2020.04.066 Seloane, W. 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Entrepreneurship Development Design based on Teaching Factory to Improve the Vocational Education Quality in Singapore and Indonesia, 4th International Conference on Vocational Education and Training (ICOVET), Malang, Indonesia, pp. 130-134, doi: 10.1109/ICOVET50258.2020.9230222 Tohidi, H., & Algeddawy, T. (2016). Planning of Modular Fixtures in a Robotic Assembly System. Procedia CIRP, 41, 252–257. doi:10.1016/j.procir.2015.12.090 Vijaya, R. B., Elanchezhian, C., Rajesh, S., Jaya, P. S., Kumaar, B. M., & Rajeshkannan, K. (2018). Design and Development of Milling Fixture for Friction Stir Welding. Materials Today: Proceedings, 5(1), 1832–1838. doi:10.1016/j.matpr.2017.11.282
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Design and Fabrication of Jig and Fixture for Drilling Machine in the Manufacturing Industry to Improve Time Productivity
Nor Azinee Said,Muhammad Afiq Roslan,Norsilawati Ngah,Ahmad Joraimee Mohamad,Na’ain Shari,Ummi Nazahah Roslan,Raja Manisa Raja Mamat,Nor Bahiyah Baba,Mohd Habir Ibrahim,Kamarul Adnan Abd. Aziz,Mohd Faizul Azuan Yusof
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37934/araset.29.2.304313
Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology
Abstract:Jigs and fixtures were brought to the world of machining, bringing a variety of practical purposes. The concept enables rapid mass production of the same product. Thus, the company will streamline the manufacturing process for each component and boost productivity. At times, the machining operation was carried out entirely by the machine, without jigs and fixtures. As a result, jigs and fixtures were created to expedite the drilling process. The project's objectives are to design a jig and fixture, fabricate it, and analyze the performance on a square block of wood. The structural model for drilling jigs and fixtures was created using the Inventor Professional 2019 Computer-Aided Design Software. The fabrication process used were milling, surface grinding, CNC wire-cut, and drilling machines. Aluminium 1065 was utilized because it is less expensive, lighter than other materials, and easy to process. The result demonstrates that a hole can be drilled quickly using the jigs and fixtures. Preparing the hole with a jig and fixture takes only 1.28 minutes, compared to 3.45 minutes with a table drill. The advantages of this product are the time operation can be reduced and quickly operations on the drilling process.
English Else
Design of Bearing Housing JIG and Fixture for Machining Process in Vertical CNC Turning Machine
Rizal Indrawan,Salsabila Diya Uhaque,Dhika Aditya Purnomo,Fais Hamzah,Bayu Wiro Karuniawan
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55679/enthalpy.v9i3.49007
Enthalpy : Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Teknik Mesin
Abstract:Bearing housing merupakan salah satu produk yang diproduksi di PT. X, yang memiliki target produksi sebesar 150 pcs/bulan. PT. X adalah salah satu perusahaan manufaktur terbesar di indonesia yang bergerak di bidang pengecoran pengecoran investasi dan permesinan canggih. Proses pembubutan untuk rumah bearing memiliki beberapa kelemahan, yaitu membutuhkan lebih banyak mesin bubut CNC untuk memproses setiap bagian rumah bearing. Hal ini menyebabkan proses bongkar muat yang memakan waktu. Selain itu, ada kelemahan lain yang menyebabkan diameter yang tidak konsentris yang akan dianggap sebagai produk yang tidak baik atau ditolak. Mesin ini menggunakan fixture dan penjepit sebagai penghenti untuk membantu dalam pemrosesan produk pengecoran secara massal. Untuk membantu proses finishing produksi rumah bearing dengan cepat, maka dibuatlah alat bantu seperti jig dan fixture, sehingga dapat mempercepat proses pengerjaan produk dan mengurangi waktu pengerjaan. Desain jig dan fixture bearing housing menggunakan Autodesk Fusion 360. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Ulrich untuk membantu proses perancangan dan pengembangan produk dengan membandingkan 3 konsep yang berbeda. ketiga konsep tersebut dipilih karena sesuai dengan kebutuhan biaya yang murah, perawatan yang mudah, pengoperasian yang mudah, dan produksi yang mudah.
Kata kunci: Jig, Fixture, Jig dan Fixture, Bearing Housing, CNC Bubut Vertikal, Bubut, Metode Ulrich
Development of a reconfigurable fixture for low weight machining operations
I. A. Daniyan,A. O. Adeodu,B. I. Oladapo,O. L. Daniyan,O. R. Ajetomobi
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/23311916.2019.1579455
Cogent Engineering
Abstract:Fixtures are production tools used to accurately manufacture duplicate and interchangeable parts. They are specially designed so that large numbers of components can be machined or assembled identically and to ensure interchangeability of components. It eliminates problems of marking out, repetitive check or work setup, measuring and other setup before machining. In this study, a reconfigurable fixture was developed using pneumatic controllers. The materials employed for this study include; a surface plate, six double-acting cylinder, two movable frames, four 5/2-way double solenoid valves, two side brazes, four 1-way flow control valves and three manually operated switches. The design was carried out with the aid of Autodesk Inventor and simulation of the developed fixture was done using FESTO fluid SIM to test the performance of the designed circuit and pneumatic cylinders. The result obtained from the finite element analysis indicates that the clamping force is enough to withstand operational and loading forces on the workpiece because the maximum stress induced on the fixture is lower than the yield strength of the material. Hence, the fixture possesses satisfactory rigidity and strength for clamping purposes. The successful completion of this work solves the problem of flexibility in holding low weight workpiece during mass production, thereby increasing productivity and accuracy.
Production floor layout design for vise manufacturing using CRAFT algorithm
Muhammad Haikal Sitepu,Tania Alda,Meilita Tryana Sembiring,Andri Nasution,Mutiara Sani Lubis,Andrian Jonathan
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/1757-899X/851/1/012032
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Abstract:Production floor is the core for manufacturing company. The value added activities are mostly performed in the production floor. Several factors influence a productivity of production including technology, skill of labor and production floor layout. The manufacturing company with optimal production floor layout will produce lower material flow which in turn reduce production cycle time and material handling cost. As the result, production floor layout design is necessary particularly for manufacturing with assembly product such as vise manufacturing. Several parts with different processes and materials will require high material flow between machines. If the machines are not arranged properly in production floor, it will increase material flows. This paper aims to demonstrate the design of production floor layout for vise manufacturing using CRAFT (Computerized Relative Allocation Facilities Technique) algorithm. This study produces alternative of production floor layouts by min...
Design of Fixture for Welding
Chanada Naksri,Somchai Chuchom,Supapan Chaiprapat
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/1757-899X/1163/1/012007
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Abstract:Defects commonly found in welding include distortion, overlapping, warping, and misalignment. Welders probably observe more frequent problems as such if lacking proper fixturing devices. Existing fixture designs are tedious to use, and they could induce even more defects. In this study, four design alternatives of a welding fixture were initially conceptualized from a survey of 25 experienced welders before the best one was selected based on reliability, rigidity, and ease of use. The design was made of SS400 steel because of its exceptional mechanical and thermal properties. A structural analysis was performed using the finite element method to evaluate the strength and stability of the design while in use. Experimental results revealed that this fixturing device could withstand forces exerted vertically from screw clamping. It could also tolerate high temperature from a welding arc and restrain the workpiece as deformed by the heat. This novel design will minimize set-up time, chances of defect formation, and a need for post-welding quality improvement.
A Computer-Aided Fixture Design System With Process Planning Integration for Prismatic Parts Manufactured on CNC Machining Centers
S. Prombanpong,R. L. Lewis,A. B. Bishop
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1115/cie1992-0045
Abstract:Abstract Jigs and fixtures are indispensable tools in various manufacturing processes. These processes include metal removal, assembly, welding, and inspection processes. Not only do jigs and fixtures facilitate the operations, but also provide quick loading/unloading, proper and consistent supporting and locating of a workpiece. As a result, the workpiece can be manufactured economically in proportion to the volume of production. With the advent of computer aided design and computer aided manufacturing together with an increasing power of both computer hardware and software, computerized fixture design systems become feasible and more sophisticated. The current computerized fixture design systems are developed utilizing several approaches ranging from simple interactive placement of fixture components to sophisticated generative systems. However, one of the common drawbacks of these systems is a lack of process planning integration in the fixture design considerations. As a result, the contradiction between fixture design generated by the computerized fixture design system and a process plan generated by a process planner or by computer aided process planning software always occurs. In other words, the fixture set-ups and workpiece orientation are not congruent to the process plan. This paper serves to discuss a solution to the problem mentioned above. A mathematical model was developed to integrate process planning in fixture design considerations. An optimized fixture design system will be presented and discussed. Examples of tested cases are also presented.
Analysis of Cylinder Comp Product Quality Control with Proposed Improvements at PT. Jakarta Automotive
Rizqi Adji Ramdani,Fibi Eko Putra,Putri Anggun Sari
DOI: https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/ijisrt24jul752
Abstract:In the era of globalization, the manufacturing industry faces its biggest challenge, namely the demands of consumer needs with high quality standards. Various kinds of waste often occur in the production process, one of which is caused by a poor layout of facilities, for example the arrangement of machines on the production line that is not suitable. This is a problem in the production process of machining cylinder comp at PT. Jakarta Automotive. With the aim of finding out the factors that cause product defects in machining cylinder comp and finding design of improvement proposals to reduce the defects that occur, this study uses a quantitative method to find DPMO and sigma values as an analysis of the cause of the problem. The result of this study was the discovery of less than optimal engine layout settings that caused TAP NG defects in the product. So that a design of a proposed improvement was made in the form of a change in the engine layout. In conclusion, in this study, it was identified that the non-optimal engine layout was the cause of the high defects. Therefore, improvements are proposed in the form of changing the engine layout on the production line with the aim of reducing the level of defects caused by a less than optimal layout.
Dimas Andika Yudistira,Jetma Sabilla Sabilla,Afiq Khairul Ikhwan
DOI: https://doi.org/10.35970/accurate.v4i02.2356
Abstract:One of the efforts made in the education sector to increase the need for human resources is to implement a system that can create a workforce that is ready to apply their knowledge in the field of work. To apply the knowledge they have gained while attending lectures, students are given the opportunity to go directly to a company which is usually called an industrial internship. While carrying out industrial internships at Solo Technopark, students are placed in the CNC design and machining section. The stand gripper production process goes through several stages, namely designing product images, creating a numerical control program with Autodesk powermill software, and computer numerical control milling (CNC milling) machining processes. The problem that occurs during the stand gripper production process is that there is very little material gripping due to the size of the initial material which has very little difference with the size of the finished workpiece. The solution to this problem is to ensure strong clamping and the help of parallel blocks so that the material does not move during the execution of the workpiece.
Development of Flexible Fixtures with Incomplete Locating: Connecting Rods Machining Case Study
Vitalii Ivanov,František Botko,Ivan Dehtiarov,Marek Kočiško,Artem Evtuhov,Ivan Pavlenko,Justyna Trojanowska
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/machines10070493
IF: 2.899
Abstract:The rapid development of manufacturing in recent years has led to a significant expansion of the technological capabilities of modern metal-cutting equipment. Therefore, the modern approach to intensifying production requires an advanced fixture design. Design and manufacture of flexible fixtures capable of machining similar shapes and sizes of complex geometry parts reduce setup time. The article aims to design flexible fixtures for parts such as one-piece connecting rods under incomplete locating conditions. The advantages are the minimum number of parts and tool availability for multi-axis machining connecting rods in one setup. This approach, combined with up-to-date machining centers and industrial robots, can increase the production efficiency of manufacturing non-removable connecting rods. This effectiveness is in a decrease in the number of operations by 5–7 times, fixtures—by 3–4 times, and machine tools—by 3–5 times, depending on the type of a non-removable connecting rod and its design features. The numerical simulation results of the proposed fixture design confirmed the comprehensive technological capabilities and dynamic characteristics. Particularly, a decrease in displacements and oscillation amplitudes up to 7% compared to the full-basing locating chart was provided. It is determined that the system "fixture–workpiece" entirely meets all the strength, accuracy, and rigidity parameters, which allows you to perform machining with intensive cutting modes. The amplitudes of oscillations do not exceed the tolerances on the dimensions of these surfaces, established by requirements for non-removable connecting rods, and all displacements are elastic. During numerical simulation, the workpiece position remained stable at all machining steps.
engineering, mechanical, electrical & electronic
Analysis of Factory Facility Layout Design Using the Craft Algorithm Method At Pt. Focus on Ciptamakmur Bersama, Blitar
Febri E. Susanto,Rusindayanto
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21070/prozima.v3i2.1267
Abstract:PT. FOCUS CIPTAMAKMUR BERSAMA, Blitar, East Java. is a company engaged in the manufacturing industry manufacture Hexabent (mixed fertilizer) with Bentonite raw materials (natural rock). In the process of operation PT. FOCUS TOGETHER CIPTAMAKMUR have problems at a distance of material handling systems. In this study using CRAFT algorithm and as aligning with ARC method. This method aims to determine the function of the relationship between the stations to each other and to minimize the cost of material displacement. Cost of material displacement is defined as the flow of products, the distance and cost of transport unit. Collecting data in this study through pengkuran distance between stations, material handling costs between stations (OMH per unit distance), and the number of stations that exist in the company.
From the research results obtained by the method of saving CRAFT distance from the initial layout of 2,751 meters to 1,332 meters difference of 20.93 %. And earned comparisons to the costs of moving materials from Rp. 1.684.800 to Rp. 1.332.050 or occur savings of 20.93 %.
Development of Integrated Welding Jobsheet Production Based Learning in Vocational High School
Rivkih Amanulloh,Budi Santosa,Muhammad Sayuti
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12928/joves.v6i1.7654
Journal of Vocational Education Studies
Abstract:This study aims to analyze the use of integrated welding jobsheets that are usually done at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Ajibarang. After analyzing and then developing the use of an integrated welding jobsheet commonly used at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Ajibarang, it becomes an integrated jobsheet that is combined with existing work orders in the industry. The use of the jobsheet was developed to increase the knowledge and competence of students in the Machining Engineering skill competency. This research is research and development (R&D). Stages of research using the design Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation. This research was conducted at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Ajibarang. The subjects in this study were grade 12 students of Machining Engineering Skills at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Ajibarang. This study uses a quasi-experimental nonequivalent control group design research method. Collecting data using a questionnaire, pretest, posttest. This study uses expert validators to validate the integrated jobsheet that will be developed, where the average validation result of the three expert validators is 4.25 or 80.5% which can be declared valid. Analysis of research data was done by using the validity of the questionnaire and T-test. To compare the achievement results in the class before being given practical treatment using an integrated worksheet and after being given treatment. We can test this comparison by means of different power testing carried out by pretest and posttest. The result of this research is that the use of integrated welding jobsheet can increase students' knowledge and competence. This study shows an increase in knowledge and competence, after being treated three times by using the use of an integrated worksheet that has been combined with a work order with (Tcount = 11.224 and Sig. = 0.000). The results presented in the form of data analysis are the results of research that has gone through several stages. Integrated jobsheet development research is able to increase students' knowledge and competence of Machining Engineering skills. The Integrated Jobsheet is declared valid to assist the learning process of welding practice in production-based learning in order to increase knowledge and competence.
Implementation of Total Productive Maintenance on Frame Welding Machine Maintenance Using the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) Method at PT Electronics Components Indonesia
Yerikho Alexander,Fibi Eko Putra,Putri Anggun Sari
DOI: https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/ijisrt24jun909
Abstract:PT. Electronics Components Indonesia manufactures capacitors and focuses on enhancing productivity and operational efficiency of the frame welding machines through effective maintenance. This study employs a quantitative method to analyze the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) values, including availability, performance efficiency, and rate of quality, as well as conducting a Six Big Losses analysis. The results indicate that the average availability reached 97.83%, with a significant decrease in August due to downtime. Performance efficiency remained consistently above 90%, although higher product output tended to reduce efficiency. The rate of quality was stable and high, reflecting improvements in production processes and quality control. The average OEE value reached 88%, exceeding the global standard of 85%. To further enhance the effectiveness of the frame welding machines, suggested improvements include operator training, regular performance evaluations, attention to operator well-being, selection of high-quality raw materials, updating SOPs, regular preventive maintenance, improving workplace safety, and investing in backup energy systems. In conclusion, the improvements implemented successfully enhanced the performance and operational quality of the frame welding machines.
Development of a T-Joint Welding Fixture for Enhanced Friction Stir Welding Performance
P Muruganantham,S Neelakrishnan,Davidson Benjamin Shiloh
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59671/zqxoq
Abstract:Welding, a crucial manufacturing process across various industries, involves forming permanent component joints. Friction stir welding (FSW), an efficient technique is employed for this purpose. FSW requires a fixture to securely hold the workpiece during welding, ensuring precise alignment, minimal deformation and effective heat dissipation. This work focuses on designing a fixture tailored for T-joint configuration FSW of aluminum alloys. Initial concept design was refined for optimal performance with material selection (Mild Steel and EN8) based on requirements. Real-time welding conditions were considered for analysis, leading to the choice of EN8 due to reduced deformation. This paper outlines the steps involved in designing, analyzing and manufacturing a T-joint welding fixture, guaranteeing proper alignment, clamping and heat management during welding.
Conceptual design and development of pneumatically controlled flexible fixture and pallets
Suman Gothwal,T. Raj
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1504/IJSOM.2018.10010031
Abstract:Fixture performance influences the product manufacturing quality, productivity and cost. Flexible fixtures (FF) provide solution to the problem of costly redesign of fixtures due to changes in dimensions/geometry of parts to be manufactured. Various areas related to design of FFs have already been very well described by various renowned authors. This paper carries out the conceptual designing of pneumatically controlled FF and pallets for machining (drilling and milling) operations. Pneumatic cylinders and electric motors were used as actuators. The first part considers introduction and literature review with significant researches and requirements of fixtures over time. After that, different aspects related to fixture design have been presented to give a deep and quick understanding of fixture design and its criteria for drilling and milling heads. Then, conceptual designing of pneumatically controlled FF and pallets has been discussed. The shortcomings of the existing studies are stated and future directions are proposed.
Engineering,Computer Science
Analisis Upaya Menurunkan Cacat Produk Crank Case LH pada Proses Die Casting dengan Metode PDCA dan FMEA di PT. Suzuki Indo Mobil/Motor
Agustinus Yunan,Dimas Raya,Rifda Ilahy Rosihan
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31599/jies.v1i1.160
Journal of Industrial and Engineering System
Abstract:Suzuki Indo Mobil / Motorcycle is the largest motorcycle manufacturing industry in Indonesia today. Die Casting is one of the departments that is important in the manufacture of motorcycle parts. In the Die Cating section, there are a number of types of defects that exceed the company tolerance standards. During the February to July period, 228 pcs of defect products were found. For this reason, it is necessary to determine the most dominant factor in the occurrence of defects and determine the proposed improvement of the root problem. PDCA is a useful tool for continuous improvement and FMEA or Failure Mode Analysis is a tool that is often used in quality improvement methods. FMEA serves to determine the consequences of failure associated with failure in the Crank Case LH. There are three types of defects found, namely Chipped, Cracked, Wrinkled. With pareto diagram, it is known that there are three types of defect Crank Case LH which are the most dominant, namely: 9.9% chipped, Crack 6.75%, Wrinkles 4.72%. aluminum & mold is too low, engine filling time is too long, Crank Case LH Cracks the surface of the rough molding machine, engine pressure is too large, Crank Case LH Machine wrinkles Less pressure. Improve made is to make a standard number of Crank Case LH setting parameters of the engine and required SOP.
Line Balancing Analysis to Optimize Production line of Bushing Rubber Using Theory of Constraints and Heuristics Method with Promodel Simulation at PT. Madya Putera Tehnik
Andrian Septiadi,Ririn Regiana Dwi Satya,Elfitria Wiratmani
DOI: https://doi.org/10.32734/jsti.v25i1.9519
Jurnal Sistem Teknik Industri
Abstract:The development of manufacturing industry is currently experiencing very rapid development, although the Covid-19 pandemic is still ongoing, this development cannot be inhibited. PT. Madya Putera Tehnik is an industry-engaged automotive part manufacturer that produces bushings. The problem experienced is that the high demand for bushing rubber products makes companies have to optimize the performance of employees and their machines so that targets can be met on time. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the production line in the process of making rubber bushings as well as to provide suggestions regarding the balance of the track to increase productivity by using the Theory of Constraints and Heuristic methods. The Theory of Constraints method aims to identify bottlenecks at the outer pipe cutting, rubber roll, rubber clean, and packing work stations that are experiencing problems, and the Heuristic method aims to calculate the balance of the production line. The results obtained from data processing, namely the ranked positional weight and largest candidate rules method have the same results with the number of work stations as many as 14 work stations, track the efficiency of 70%, balance delay of 30%, smoothing index of 66.57, and total exits as many as 1145 units of rubber bushings. It can be interpreted that the two methods have proposed the most optimal trajectory conditions. The company should review the balance of the track and the current production capacity of the company.
English Else
Design and Development of a Special Service Tools Sliding Hammer for Removing Injector Nozzles on the SAA4D125E Diesel Engine
Ari Aryadi,Reza Febriano Armas,Budi Utomo Wisesa
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46574/motivection.v5i3.265
Abstract:This research focuses on designing a specialized tool called Special Service Tools Nozzle Attachment with a Sliding Hammer to remove injector nozzles in diesel engines. The fact that the long cycle time in the manual removal process of injector nozzles can be streamlined through this tool is emphasized. The researcher designed and developed this tool with the assistance of CAD. The research results show that by using this tool, the cycle time for removing injector nozzles can be reduced from 23 minutes to just 13 minutes. This indicates a significant improvement in work efficiency and productivity. This research has important implications for the industry, especially in the maintenance and repair of diesel engines.
Penelitian ini berfokus untuk merancang-bangun sebuah alat khusus yang disebut Special Service Tools Nozzel Attachment dengan Sliding Hammer untuk melepas injector nozzle pada mesin diesel. Fakta bahwa cycle time yang lama dalam pengerjaan proses pelepasan injector nozzle yang dilakukan secara manual diharapkan dapat di efisiensikan melalui alat ini. Peneliti merancang dan mengembangkan alat ini dengan bantuan CAD. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan menggunakan alat ini, cycle time untuk melepas injector nozzle dapat ditekan dari 23 menit menjadi hanya 13 menit. Hal ini menunjukkan peningkatan yang signifikan dalam efisiensi waktu pengerjaan dan produktivitas hal ini memiliki implikasi penting dalam industri, terutama dalam perawatan dan perbaikan mesin diesel.
Intelligent flexible assembly system for labor-intensive factory using the configurable virtual workstation concept
Sri Raharno,Vina Sari Yosephine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12008-023-01567-3
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing
Abstract:Joining the digital transformation movement is no longer optional for manufacturing industries. Big corporations are transforming their automated manufacturing systems to improve their planning and operations. However, depending on their product type, a significant portion of the production sectors is labor-intensive or traditional, implying inadequate monitoring and control systems. Thus, they need more technology investment to be ready to join the digital transformation. This study intends to transform such systems by developing an intelligent monitoring and control system framework. We proposed an intelligent assembly system framework based on configurable virtual workstation technology. The solution was tested and implemented in a rolling stock factory. The implementation returns a promising development, enabling us to provide the directions for similar labor-intensive industries to step into the digital transformation era.
Analysis of the Causes of Crooked Cane Carrier Shafts at the Kremboong Sugar Factory
M.Rizky Faisal Dermawan Wasiana,Iswanto Iswanto
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21070/pels.v7i0.1477
Procedia of Engineering and Life Science
Abstract:Practical work is a form of education and vocational implementation that is followed by students so that students can work directly in the business world as well as industry or fabrication. Practical work aims to prepare students to become productive human beings and can immediately work in accordance with their respective fields, students can also feel the atmosphere of production and can help deal with some problems- problems experienced by Engineering professionals inside the factory. Therefore, in welding, knowledge must accompany practice, in more detail it can be said that the design of building construction and machines with welded joints, must also be planned about welding methods. This method of inspection, welding material, and type of weld to be used, based on the function of the building parts or machines designed. Based on the definition of DIN (Deutch Industrie Normen) Galvanized Welded Broken Products is the best way to assemble or connect constructions and products made from iron. This welding method is specifically performed for galvanized materials. The iron welding process requires special preparation and skills. Based on the results of fieldwork practices that have been carried out in CV. Sumber Agung Widodo, The process of making panel tables is carried out into several stages, namely the hollow iron cutting, 45- degree galvanized angle cutting, iron plate cutting, elbow iron cutting, splicing by welding, frame painting, and mounting a series of panels to the finished panel table. The materials used are hollow iron, iron plate, elbow iron, iron paint, wheels. The tools used are ac current welding machines, grinders and elbow rulers. Stage
Desain Layout Laboratorium Pneumatik Hidrolik Berbasis Line Produksi Untuk Meningkatkan Skill Otomasi di Era Industri 4.0
Imam Sukoco,Rizki Setiadi,R. Ambar Kuntoro Mursid Gendroyono
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14710/jplp.4.1.19-25
Jurnal Pengelolaan Laboratorium Pendidikan
Abstract:The laboratory is a means of student learning in improving competence. Competence is one of the important elements in determining the quality of human resources, especially in facing challenges in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 which relies entirely on technology and speed. This study aims to design a production line-based Pneumatic Hydraulic Laboratory to improve the automation skills of students majoring in mechanical engineering in the industrial era 4.0. The method in this study uses descriptive quantitative research. Collecting data through observation, design, pretest and posttest. The analysis uses descriptive statistics to describe the results of improving student skills. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that a production line-based laboratory layout design is indispensable in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. The planned production design in the study is an automation system for drilling, pressing, conveyor, pick and place robots with PLC and HMI, the application of layout design can increase the average value of automation knowledge and skills (programming and automation simulation). The increase in the average value of knowledge is 22.72%. Meanwhile, the increase in automation competence was 29.23%.