New solutions to protect the Romanian coastline
Abstract:The classic forms of protection against coastal erosion are represented by the "hard" structures: dikes, epi ms, etc. The evolution of technology has led to the finding of new solutions to protect the coastline through so-called transparent or “easy” structures1. In this category are part: the smash-wave structures submerged, floating, dikes made on pillars with “dolphin” profile. This paper present a system of Romanian coastal protection, between the Saturn and Neptune resorts, using transparent structures, made on the pillars “dolphin” profile, which are designed to dissipate the energy of the wave in proportion of 60%, offshore, at a distance 2km from shore. The system will consist of a 20 wind turbines, located parallel to the shoreline and deployed at a distance of 4km linear. These wind turbines will be equipped with two photovoltaic panels directed in the south direction, inclined at 30 degrees5. Between the wind turbines there will be three pillars with “dolphin” profile to mitigate the energy of the waves. On these pillars will be mounted platforms that will support five photovoltaic panels each. The degree of erosion of the beach in this area is 0.8 m/year2. The value of the advance of the erosion of the beach, at an increase of 50m in sea level, is 30.5m, and the annual rate of beach erosion at an increase of the sea level by 2.2 mm/year is 0.13 mm/year. From the analysis of the wind measurements3, its speed reaches values of 9- 12 m/s4. According to the bathymetry map6, in this area the depth of water is 10 m. The foundation of wind turbine was chosen according to the water depth. There were calculated the moments of forces acting on the wind system, to determine the sizing elements of the foundation. It’s been calculated: the kinetic pressure of the wave, the force of the wave, the moment of the wave force, the force of the wind in rotor, the moment of the wind force on the impeller, the wind force on the tower, the moment of wind force on the solar panels, the kinetic pressure of the currents in the water, the force exerted by the currents, the moment of force exerted by the currents. From the drawing of the curve of the muddy seabed, it was chosen the ression exerted by the muddy substrate on the foundation, at the depth of 10 m. The foundation of the protection pillars was designed, taking into account the kinetic pressure and strength of the wave, the force and the time of the wind force on the pillar, on the platform, by kinetic pressure of the water currents.