Ganefi Ganefi,Siti Hatikasari,Wafiya Wafiya
Abstract:Pandemi Covid 19 yang dialami Indonesia sejak bulan Maret 2020, sampai saat ini telah merusak seluruh sendi sendi perekonomian. Dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi di bawah minus 2,07% menyebabkan Indonesia menghadapi krisis multi dimensi yang akhirnya bermuara pada tingginya angka kemiskinan. Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan pemerintah dalam mengatasi dampak Pandemi ini, anggaran 1.035,25 Trilliun yang diperuntukkan bagi pengadaan alat kesehatan, obat-obatan dan vaksin serta stimulus Bansos ditujukan untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan masyarakat. Sedangkan penghapusan PPnBM ditujukan untuk industry otomotif, adapun bagi pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM), pemerintah mengeluarkan regulasi Kridit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) dengan plapon pinjaman dua kali lipat dari sebelumnya Rp 50 jt menjadi Rp 100 jt, serta pinjaman KUR bagi masyarakat belum menikah dengan plapon pinjaman maksimal Rp. 10jt. Kebijakan pemerintah ditujukan agar para pelaku UMKM mampu bertahan dari keterpurukan usaha yang dijalaninya selama ini. Selanjutnya dikeluarkan lagi Peraturan Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian Republik Indonesia Nomor 6 Tahun 2020 tentang Perlakuan Khusus Bagi Penerima Kredit Usaha Rakyat Terdampak Pandemi Corona Virus Disease 2019. Suku bunga/marjin ditetapkan sebesar 6 % efektif pertahun diberikan kepada KUR mikro,KUR kecil, KUR penempatan tenaga kerja Indonesia, KUR khusus dan KUR super mikro. ABSTRACTThe Covid 19 pandemic that has been experienced by Indonesia since March 2020 has damaged all aspects of the economy. With economic growth below minus 2.07%, Indonesia is facing a multi-dimensional crisis that eventually leads to poverty. Various efforts have been made by the government to overcome the impact of this pandemic, a budget of 1,035.25 trillion is needed for the procurement of medical devices, medicines and vaccines as well as the social assistance stimulus aimed at meeting the needs of the community. While the abolition of PPnBM is aimed at the automotive industry, as for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), the government issued a regulation on People's Business Credit (KUR) with a credit ceiling that was doubled from the previous Rp 50 million to Rp 100 million, and KUR credit for the community has not yet been completed. married with a maximum credit ceiling of Rp. 10 million. The government's policy is intended so that MSME actors are able to survive the downturn in their business so far. Furthermore, Regulation of the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number 6 of 2020 concerning Special Treatment for People's Business Credit Recipients Affected by the Corona Virus Disease 2019 Pandemic was issued. The interest rate/margin is set at 6% effective per year given to micro KUR, small KUR, KUR placement of workers Indonesian work, special KUR and super micro KUR.