The concept and meaning of the principles of civil procedural law in martial law

Olena Shtefan
Theory and Practice of Intellectual Property
Abstract:Keywords: principles of civil procedural law, principles of civil procedure, martial law The article reveals the meaning of the concept of principles of civilprocedural law, its relationship with other related concepts, in particular, with the conceptof «principles of civil procedure», defining the limits of their application. The conclusionis substantiated that the purpose and tasks of civil proceedings reveal the essence ofthe principles of civil procedural law. The essence of the principles of civil procedural lawis revealed through their features. Different approaches in the science of civil procedurallaw to determine their characteristics are analysed.The definition of the principles of civil procedural law is formulated, which are thebasic ideas, fundamental principles of the tasks and objectives of civil justice, enshrinedin the rules of civil procedural law, which reflect the specifics of the subject and methodof legal regulation of civil procedural law relations and are in a dialectical relationshipand interdependence with other elements of the mechanism of legal regulation.The functional purpose of the principles of civil procedural law is directly related tothe impact on legislative activity, becoming its guideline. On the other hand, externalfactors can influence the principles themselves and the mechanisms for their implementation.The peculiarities of the implementation of some procedural actions in martiallaw, which are reflected in the draft Law of Ukraine «On Amendments to the Code of AdministrativeProcedure of Ukraine, the Civil Procedure Code of Ukraine and the CommercialProcedural Code of Ukraine (concerning the conduct of proceedings under martiallaw or state of emergency)» No 7316 and related to the implementation of the principleof openness of civil proceedings. The peculiarities of court summonses andnotifications for the period of martial law or state of emergency are revealed, the author'sopinion on the proposed mechanism of realization of the principles of openness of civilproceedings, equality and justice, legal certainty is stated. He substantiated the conclusionthat the legislator did not consider the system of principles of civil justice to ensureaccess to martial law, and some provisions of the law contradict the principles of opennessand several constitutional principles such as equality and justice, legal certainty.
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