Exploring value and meaning of story sharing in the classroom
Min-Young Lee,Yoo Jin Han,Hye-Sun Kwon,
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15409/riece.2023.25.4.7
korean Jouranl of Early Childhood Education
Abstract:The purpose of this study is to explore the value and meaning of children by observing how story sharing between teacher and children, and between children and children in the classroom where childᆞplay-based curriculum is being operated. For this purpose, a researcher and class teacher observed the child’s story sharing and conducted participatory observation by sharing stories together depending on the situation. The subjects of observation were 17 5-year-old children attending Kindergarten A, and the observation situation was the daily routine including play, activities, and daily life in which story sharing was found in the kindergarten classroom. The research results are as follows. First, the story sharing found in kindergarten classrooms had value as a link that connected members of the conversation to each other. Looking at its meaning, we can see that children participating in story sharing were able to reveal ‘I’ as a speaker, remember ‘you’ as a listener, and share the world with members as "we." Second, the story sharing that children share with other people in the classroom was a normal and natural occurrence in all daily routines. It had value as a link between play, activities, and daily life. Through the story sharing, the child suggested breaking down the boundaries between play and activity, and expressed the lingering feelings of play and activity, and realized the meaning of an extension that connects daily life. It is necessary to find appropriate guidance measures in the field so that children's story sharing can be activated, which has the same value as the above research results.