Evaluation of Distance Learning in Pre-schools During the New Pandemic Era
Salwiah,Sri Yuliani M,Asmuddin,Afifah Nur Hidayah,Irawaty
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21009/jpud.161.07
JPUD - Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini
Abstract:Distance learning at the pre-school level requires evaluation action considering that this form of learning is a new process for most elements of education in early childhood education. The purpose of this study is to evaluate virtual learning, namely planning, implementation, and assessment, as well as revealing the obstacles that occur in online learning in Kendari City Kindergarten. This study uses descriptive quantitative research methods with data collection techniques through surveys. The results showed that planning for online learning had been carried out by coordinating between teachers and parents, as well as drafting a learning plan from home starting from standard learning operations, semester programs, weekly and daily lesson plans. The implementation of learning uses several facilities, including WhatsApp application (62.50%), Zoom meeting application (12.50%), learning videos (12.50%), Google Meet (6.25%), and YouTube (6.25%). Children's learning methods currently include giving assignments (32.26%), performance (25.81%), demonstrations (22.58%) and experiments (19.35%). While the media used are video, picture media and children's worksheets. The assessment used by the teacher is in the form of portfolio assessment (50%), performance (30%) and observation (20%). The obstacles faced by teachers during distance learning are the lack of cooperation from parents when accompanying children to study at home, parents who are often late in collecting their children's assignments (portfolios), and the lack of smart phone facilities owned by parents. In response to this, good communication and collaboration between teachers and parents are needed, and parents must be able to pay attention and motivate children during the distance learning process, especially in the new pandemic era.
Keywords: pre-school, distance learning, ECE evaluationReferences:
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