Biomimetic Control of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Morphology and Phenotype for Functional Tissue‐engineered Small‐diameter Blood Vessels
Mary B. Chan‐Park,Shangtai Jin,Yunxia Cao,Yan Xiong,Yunxiao Liu,Shahrzad Rayatpisheh,Gavin Chun‐Wei Kang,Howard P. Greisler
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A
Abstract:The article listed above, published in J Biomed Mater Res 2009;88A(4):1104-1121. The authors have brought to our attention numerous revisions to their article's text, Tables I-V, Figure 2, and Figures 1-3 legends. Page 1106, revised Figure 1 legend: Figure 1. Schematic representation of (a) collagen-based, (b) cell sheet-based, and (c) scaffold-based vascular grafts (redrawn17). [Reprinted, with permission,from the Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering, Volume 3 ©2001 by Annual Reviews] Figure 2, top mid-section part label revised as: solution of monomeric collagen/fibrin and SMCs; Figure 2 legend revised: Free collagen gel compaction over a nonadhesive central rod to induce circumferential alignment of SMCs and fibrils (redrawn15). [Reprinted with permission granted from Wolters Kluwer.] [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at] Pages 1107-1108, Table I revised. Page 1108, text revision in second column, line 9; Reference 23 added: A functional SDVG must exhibit all the functional characteristics of a normal blood vessel, including nonthrombogenicity, sufficient burst pressure and suture retention strength, viscoelasticity, appropriate remodeling responses, and vasoactivity (Table II).5,17,23,26,49–52 Page 1108, Table II footnote added: Page 1110, Table III revised: Page 1111, the correct version for Figure 3 legend should be: Figure 3. Morphology of contractile and synthetic SMCs (adapted111). [Used with permission from the American Physiological Society.] [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at] Second column, first full sentence, ending phrase removed; revised sentence should read as follows: A similar phenotype shift manifested in a progressive loss of myofilaments and contractile function, occurs when vascular SMCs are isolated from native blood vessel and cultured in vitro.77,78 Page 1113, Table IV revised: Page 1114, Table V revised: We regret any confusion caused by these revisions.