A Case Study of the Effect of Income Tax upon Labor Supply
Yu Xiancai
DOI: https://doi.org/10.19744/j.cnki.11-1235/f.2006.11.005
Abstract:The perfection of individual income tax,one of the most intricate taxes,needs full obtainment of various relevant information(including the cognition of taxpayers' behavior of taxpaying),of which one piece is the effect of income tax on labor-supply.Abroad,similar studies have a longer history with more achievements,but at home,such researches are very limited,which forms an obstacle to the further perfection of the personal income tax.Based on the data widely collected with questionnaires,and by means of the use of econometric models and descriptive statistic,we have,in this paper,attempted to illustrate the different effects of independent variables including sex,age,educational level,region,marital status,income,income ratio and the nature of working unit,upon the elasticity of tax-labor-supply,so as to provide the information on taxpayers' behavior of taxpaying,in order to formulate a tax system that suits China's conditions.