Boris I. Bespalov
Moscow University Psychology Bulletin
Abstract:Background. Y e concept of “professionally important quality” (PIQ) of a person, introduced in the beginning of the past century in industrial psychology, is now also used in psychology of professional sports. Modern studies of PIQ are based on an intuitive, empirical understanding of what the qualities or properties of a person are, how they arise, function and develop in sports acts, what the criteria of their importance in achieving high results in sports are. Y is concept of PIQ does not explain the correlation between particular qualities or their connections to indicators of success in performance. Y is creates the need and urgency of searching for and developing such a theory of PIQ, which would reveal their essence as well as the underlying correlations between possible psychological mechanisms of PIQ in connection with the success of sports acts. Objective. Y e purpose of this study is to analyze the existing deZ nitions of the concept of PIQ in professional activity and sports acts. Y e article seeks to formulate a theoretical concept of PIQ, as well as to justify the application of this concept not only to athletes, but also to other main components of sports activity (to their objects, tools, motives, goals, etc.).Y is goal also includes the description of the di[ erences between the methods of constructing empirical and theoretical concepts. Methods. When developing the theoretical concept of PIQ (as well as other concepts of the theory of acts), the method of constructing concepts “from the general to the particular” is used, which is similar to the method of “ascent from the abstract to the concrete” (Zinoviev, 2002). Y e concepts of “property”, “quality” and PIQ are consistently built on the basis of a more general concept of “interaction” of people with the world, which is interpreted, as mutual in\ uence, leading to a change in people and the world in some directions. Interaction is also considered as the main dynamic relationship between people and the world, in which social, psychological and other properties and relationships of people, including their PIQ, are generated, manifested and developed. Results. Y e connection between the concepts of “property” and “interaction” is established in the article by identifying the properties of a person with the directions of the changes occurring in human interactions with the components of the world. Y e result of a person’s change in the direction corresponding to a certain property correlates with the value of the property, which can be expressed in numbers or described in words. When analyzing the concepts of PIQ developed in applied psychology, the following deZ nition was formulated and justiZ ed: PIQ is the quality of the components of sports acts that is “necessary or useful” for their successful development or implementation and can be statistically signiZ cantly related to the indicators of success in the act. Y e concept of anti-PIQ is logically dual. Y is quality is “not necessary and harmful” to achieve success in mastering or performing a sports act. Y e proposed concept of PIQ expands the traditional idea of these qualities, which are usually correlated only with the subjects of professional acts. Y e article states the possibility to expand the “subject attribution” of the concept of PIQ, which contributes to more accurate and di[ erentiated description and diagnosis. Y e concepts of professionally important conditions and methods of performing ьsports acts are considered on the example of their diagnostics on a simulator with the elements of virtual reality. Conclusion. Y e main conclusion of the study is that empirical methods (correlation, etc.) of studying professionally important qualities of people can and should be supplemented by theoretical methods in studying these qualities. Y is will contribute to a more accurate diagnosis based on understanding of the mechanisms of their development and “binding” into individually speciZ c systems.
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