Movie recommendation system via fuzzy decision making based dual deep neural networks

S. Aramuthakannan,M. Ramya Devi,S. Lokesh,R. Manimegalai
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems
Abstract:The internet and social networks produce an increasing amount of data. There is a serious necessity for a recommendation system because exploring through the huge collection is time-consuming and difficult. In this study, a multi-modal classifier is introduced which makes use of the output from dual deep neural networks: GRU for text analysis and Faster R-CNN for image analysis. These two networks reduce overall complexity with minimal computational time while retaining accuracy. More precisely, the GRU network is utilized to process movie reviews and the Faster RCNN is used to recognize each frames of the movie trailers. Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) is a well-known variety of RNN that computes sequential data across recurrent structures. Faster RCNN is an enhanced version of Fast RCNN, it combines with the rectangular region proposals and with the features is extract by the ResNet-101. Initially, the trailer of the movie is manually splitted into frames and these frames are pre-processed using fuzzy elliptical filter for image analysis and the movie reviews are also tokenized for text analysis. The pre-processed text is taken as an input for GRU to classify offensive and non-offensive movies and the pre-processed images are taken as an input for Faster R-CNN to classify violence and non- violence movies based on the extracted features from the movie trailer. Afterwards, the four classified outputs are given as input for fuzzy decision-making unit for recommending best movies based on the Mamdani fuzzy inference system with gauss membership functions. The performance of the dual deep neural networks was evaluated using the specific parameters like specificity, precision, recall, accuracy and F1 score measures. The proposed GRU yields accuracy range of 97.73% for reviews and FRCNN yields the accuracy range of 98.42% for movie trailer.
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