Activity of vocational guidance hub "profit quest" on the basis of higher education institution as a new organizational form of professional orientation of student youth
Oksana Tashkinova,Svetlana Bulgakova,Maria Gontar,,,
Abstract:The article analyzes the features of the introduction of innovative forms of career guidance work with student youth. It is determined that the problem of preparing high school students to choose their own professional future is important in today's world. It is noted that the success of a young person's life largely depends on how correct was the choice of profession, institution of higher education, profession. At the same time, the chosen profession should correspond to the personal qualities and capabilities of a young person, be interesting, and create opportunities for competitiveness in the labor market. Various organizational forms of career guidance work are analyzed: social and psychological services in secondary schools; career guidance departments in basic employment centers; resource centers for professional orientation of student youth in educational districts; social service centers for families, children and youth; various out-of-school institutions; career guidance and recruitment departments in higher education institutions, etc. Emphasis is placed on the need to introduce new organizational forms of career guidance work on the principle of "peer teaches peer", where students of socionomic professions activate high school students to responsibly choose their own professional future. On the one hand, this form of interaction is more effective and efficient because students better understand the interests, motives and needs of high school students. On the other hand, it can become a form of practice for students enrolled in educational programs of socionomic specialties of the first and second levels of higher education (social work, practical psychology, social pedagogy, etc.). The activity of the vocational guidance hub "PROFIT QUEST" on the basis of SHEI "Priazovsky State Technical University" is considered. The purpose and tasks of the career guidance hub are analyzed. The activity of the Vocational Guidance Hub "PROFit quest" is aimed at vocational guidance work with high school students, especially from families in SJO, on professional information, professional diagnostics, professional counseling and professional activation in the form of games and training. Among the technologies used in the activities of the career guidance hub, the following are considered: use in the role; information and educational technologies; technologies for awareness of one's own professional abilities; technologies for involving specialists of interested organizations in the project and others. The results of the online survey of training participants, career guidance testing and thematic quest game are analyzed.